Another obstacle defeated

In October 2013 I was being worked up to receive a new kidney from my cousin. In the process I had to have a mamogram. After a needle biopsy and a lumpectomy I was told I had stage zero breast cancer. So, instead of having a kidney transplant on December 5th, 2012, on that same day, I had a Bi Lateral Mastectomy. I did not want to have to worry about it spreading or getting bigger, so i nipped it in the bud.. lol. For me it was a no brainer to have the mastectomy. I mean, I could be 100% cured by doing this... Why wouldn't I do it. Well, I got the call from my doctor a week later to tell me I was cancer FREE... they were not in my lymph nodes...I was cured. That was the best call of my life.... I'm staying positive about not having my breasts anymore, and i believe I'm adjusting very well. I've started the reconstruction. I consider myself one the the luckiest people in the world to have this happen to me. Next is my kidney transplant slated for March. Bring it on :)

Judy Mainz
Saramento, CA