An Unwelcomed Journey

In June of this year, I went in for my routine Mammo as I have every year since I was 30 yrs old. My mom is a 30+ year Breast Cancer survivor, so I have always been proactive in this regard. The report came back that more mammo films and possibly an Ultrasound were necessary. The day before my 53rd birthday I went in for more mammo films and they did an Ultrasound as well. The report came back "highly suspicious for malignancy" "Now it gets real" I was scheduled for a Stereotactic Biopsy which 5 days later revealed the frightening truth. Invasive Ductal Breast Cancer. As this news settled heavy on my heart, the most difficult part of this so far has been telling my husband, my sons and daughters, my mom, my sister and my friends. But they rallied around me like I couldnt have imagined and have been so very supportive with their positivity and prayers. On 8/18/14 I underwent a 3 part ( tissue conserving) Lumpectomy, and Sentinal Node biopsy and I was so pleased to hear that I was Stage 1 and my Lymph node was Negative. The cancer was removed to very clear margins. I will meet with a Medical Oncologist tomorrow who will forward me on to a Radiation Oncologist for Radiation treatments which will hopefully decrease my risk of recurrence. Although I would never in a million years choose this battle, I am blessed and honored to be among these courageous amazing women that are known as SURVIVORS. I know that God has brought me here for a reason and I will proudly be an advocate for early screening/detection. I cannot be anything but positive with so many people on my side. They continue to encourage me through tough moments, and although my worst fear was telling my husband and children- they have been amazingly supportive and continue to envelope me in their love. I feel blessed. Never lose hope, never let fear win. "FIGHT LIKE A GIRL"

Laurie Ann Kimball
Johnstown, NY