An Awakening

I have lived my adult life inside a box wrapped up tight with a beautiful bow; a gift from God, I thought, for all I went through growing up as a child of divorced parents and for other subsequent tragic events that befell me along the way. Inside the box was the stuff of dreams. I would awaken everyday, thankful for the amazing gifts that had been bestowed upon me; but in the back of my mind, I was saying "something's gotta give."
In early February, I received the kind of news that knocked me out of my 'Surreality.' I decided early on to limit feelings of self pity ( I do cry, infact, I cry often). My tears are not tears of feeling sorry for myself; but rather tears of empathy for those around me. Being contemplative in nature, I have been searching for the gift in this experience. Empathy has been the gift. Empathy for my husband who has been holding my hand, wiping my tears, tending to my medical needs, even setting the alarm at 3:00 a.m. to give me my meds. Empathy for my sons, 8 and 11, who have dealt with the blow of hearing that their mother has cancer and who have witnessed her transform from 'wonder-woman' to invalid in a short matter of time. Empathy for my mother who had to witness her oldest daughter go through the same disease both she and her mother suffered through. Empathy for the next young woman who must be dealt the reality of this dreadful disease.
Life is not about the things contained in it; but rather about caring for the people who make it worth living! My surgery, a mastectomy, successfully removed an invasive tumor and has left me cancer-free. I have been given a second chance, and look forward to living every moment to the fullest with my husband, sons, our loving family and friends. Those who know me well, know that I never held back from embracing life the first time and I especially don't intend on holding back this time around!

Baltimore, MD