An angel watching over me.

I lost my 44 year old sister in 1999 from stomach cancer and so I dreaded turning 44. When my birthday rolled around in January 2013 I felt scared, not knowing why but I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. Looking back I feel my angel sister was trying to tell me something and that was, "get a mammogram", as I had never had one. Soon after, I heard my 45 year old cousin had been diagnosed with breast cancer but still I did not listen to the voice in my head .

In May of 2013 my brother's 33 year old daughter was also diagnosed with breast cancer. The urgent feelings I had saying "get a mammogram" got stronger. Finally in June I went to my doctor who set me up with my first ever mammogram. I was told something didn't look right so I was scheduled for an ultrasound. I didn't know at the time that the tech hadn't found the cancer but a separate cyst. The nurse called saying the ultrasound said it was benign and to come back in a year. I am usually not one to say anything, but that feeling of something wrong was so very sharp, I told the nurse I was not satisfied with the results and with my family history of breast cancer I wanted additional testing. Soon after I had an additional mammogram and then a biopsy.
On July 19, 2013 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I was lucky as it was stage one and only 1.4 cm. I had a lumpectomy and internal radiation in August 2013 and didn't need chemo.

Even though I was diagnosed and treated those strong feelings of dread continued,so I continuously insisted my two sisters get mammograms. . My oldest sister was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma on the day I was done with radiation. Her cancer was the same exact size and location as mine, so she was also very lucky.

Everyday I thank my angel sister for guiding over me when I needed it the most.

Tammy Jo Hiatt
Langdon, ND