Always check you just never know!

I have had active fibrocystic breast disease for the last 40 years or so, since about age 22, I have had hundreds of lumps aspirated from both breasts over the years. But I always had them checked and removed, in mid November 2012 I was getting ready for a neuro-stimulator implant in my back to keep me walking, and found a rather large lump again. I said to myself I would have it taken care of after the back surgery, so I saw my new family Dr. in late December 2012 she had never done an aspiration of these "cysts", I told her I could show her how to do it, but she insisted I go through what I called the horse and pony show; mammogram,(with the fibrocystic breast disease mammograms are almost always an issue because these cysts show up all the time) then ultrasound, well after the ultrasound they wanted a biopsy, I said you are kidding, I have been through this hundreds of times. Anyway I did what they asked and on January 2, 2013 I heard those three words "you have cancer" on January 11, 2013 I was in for another surgery, was given the option of a lumpectomy or mastectomy, I opted for the lumpectomy so on the left side I have a half a breast, on February 4, 2013 I started chemo 3 drugs, 2 every 3 weeks for 6 treatments and 1 every 3 weeks for 14 months, along with 33 radiation treatments and the good old cancer pill for 5 years.

The point is I really felt I knew what this lump was, I had the doctor convinced, it felt just like all the rest. You just never know after all of these years and all these lumps there it was CANCER! Please get checked, get it taken care of ASAP. Best of health to you all.

Linda Grey
Port Orange, FL