Always check for lumps and bumps

I was diagnosed with stage 3 advanced breast cancer in April of 2010, I was very shocked as this sort of thing doesnt run in my family, I am the first. My mom has 8 sisters and nothing like this has ever come up, no cancer in any form. When I discovered the lump it was already 5cm., shocking, considering, I didnt even know it was there, and I was 7 months pregnant as well. I would have to say after I found out it was cancer I was just numb, and really didnt know how to deal, tried to put it out of my head, my husband was always very optimistic, I would just keep thinking that if I didnt survive, he could look after our children. I had a round of chemo while I was pregnant, very low dosage they said, and then I was delivered early, she was very tiny, but healthy, since then I have had 7 more rounds of chemo, lost all my hair in the first month, kind of a shock lol but at least I dont have to do my hair among everything else lol, try to look at the bright side of things. I just recently had a partial mastectomy and go for radiation in Janauary, then in May I get the other breast removed and looking forward to my reconstructive surgery, I am optimistic that everything will go well. I was never so aware of breast cancer until now, obviously, but I would have to say that its so very important to check yourself all the time, whenever it comes to your mind. Its nice to talk to people that have also been through this, as sometimes you tend to feel very alone, thank you for lettting me share my story.

Kelowna, Canada