Almost there!

I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer on June 21 2013. I of course panicked and thought my life was over. i know it's a very aggressive cancer. After I finished freaking out, survival mode kicked in! I started all the appointments and all the treatments were about to start immediately! I had the port put in on July 3, 2013 and had my first Chemo on the same day. the first chemo was the worse for me. I was very weak and sick. Couldn't even get out of the bed. I lost all my hair about 3 weeks after that. I had 5 treatments every 3 weeks. My dr felt that the tumor was not shrinking fast enough so she decided to do radiation and chemo at the same time and make chemo treatments weekly. That did the trick, it has shrunk allot since then. I had my last chemo on 11.19.13!! I have a few more radiation treatments left and then I will have my surgery a few weeks later! I am so glad that I have responded so well to treatment and I am almost done!

I am so lucky to have a wonderful support system also. My husband, son and all my family and friends have been beyond amazing and supportive!! Staying positive and not letting it get to you is one of the best ways to get through this. Lean on your friends and family and pray! God is good!

Jessica Johnson
Pasadena, MD