My soul sisters. We are not connected by blood but by energy and essence. You bring unconditional love and support at the perfect times and understand and share the same mission and purpose. For you I am grateful - We are the Soul Sisters Tribe. - Fab Marie
I have been blessed to have built an inner tribe of woman who not only support me but support each other. We are all from different backgrounds, upbringings, and adversities. We all have our own struggles and fight but we all share the love and respect for each individual person. The battles we face collectively would make anyones head spin, but the journey we have taken together is nothing short of divine intervention. We have been brought into each others lives for a purpose. Whether that purpose is to teach us, to guide us, or to show us. Some women are lost in the fire this tribe of amazing women has been built from.
Fabulously Fighting is not just a name, it is a way of life and has a core belief that facing adversity can be down right shitty, but your life doesn't have to be. The Tribe of Fabulous Fighters has many different faces. Faces of those who have gone through hell and back, those who are fighting like hell right now, and those who are supporting someone fighting. No matter who you are, we are in this together, no one fights alone.
Fabulous Fighters have fought a thousand battles and are still standing, cried a thousand tears but still smiling, have been broken, betrayed, abandoned, and rejected. We walk with our heads held high, laugh loudly, and proudly. We are Fierce, we are Fabulous, and we are Fighters.
“You are my people. This is where life is LIVED. These are the moments, the people that make life worth living. These are the people who make life beautiful. These are my people. THIS is my tribe.” -unknown
Boston, MA