A Survivor Story..

I found a tiny lump on my left breast in 1997, I did not want to believe it and wish it would go away. But I decided to go and see my doctor, who sent me for a mamogram and there was something there, I went for a lumpectomy and my test came back postive for cancer and my surgeon wanted to take more tissue plus check the lymph nodes so I returned for more surgery.. That was in August and by November I was taking radiation. This was a very scary journery for myself, husband and 3 daughter's, plus I had to leave my home for 6 weeks for treatment in a larger city. in my journey I met wonderful people and stayed at a home for clients who where going throug cancer.

That is going on 14 years finding a lump early can save your life because it saved mine.

Becuase I am a first nation woman I decided to do traditional healing combined with the western medicine. This made me more stronger to go through what ever was coming my way.

I woud ask that you check your breast every month and have your yearly mamogram if you find any thing your self get the help right away. You can build your own support system it is important to share with other's who are going through what you are going through so you don't feel that it is only you and that will help you.and be an advocate for your self don't be afraid to ask your doctors questions that you may have the more you know about your canser the better for you and it will not seem so scary.

Thanks for listening- Diane -"Strong Standing Bear Women"..

thunder Bay, Canada