A Smile and A Lot of Hope!

I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. The cancer was early stage and non-invasive and in one breast but because of a family history I made a decision to have a bi-lateral mastectomy. I was 51 at the time, a single mother of 3 with a busy life and I didn't have time for this. After a divorce a year earlier I had gone back to college and was working on a Masters Degree. A full time job, 3 children to raise, working on a graduate degree AND breast cancer - I had no idea the journey I was about to begin. I fought hard always with a smile on my face and a positive attitude.

Five years later I found myself sitting in my Oncologists office – again. A scan was done because of a cough that lingered for a month. It showed a questionable spot on my lung that was biopsied and confirmed as cancer. The cancer was back and was now Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer and was incurable - but treatable. It was now in my lung and my bones. A lifetime of treatment - until a cure is found! I started treatment which was taking an aromatase inhibitor. It worked for 10 months before the cancer outsmarted the drug and I had to start a different treatment. The second treatment is two chemo shots every month. The side effects are bothersome and sometimes painful but I seem to find the strength to handle it with a positive attitude, a smile and hope!

My priorities have changed in the two years since being re-diagnosed. I value the time I spend with family and friends and take more pleasure in simple things. It’s okay if the house is not as clean as I would like it to be or if it takes a little longer to get chores completed. The most important thing is to fight hard, stay positive, have faith and keep going - always with a smile and a lot of hope!

Barbara Williams
Gilbert, AZ