A short version of my breast cancer journey that started after my miracle baby...and my determination to fight for my girls.

I was diagnosed January 30th, 2013 with stage 3 grade 2 triple negative IDC. Diagnosis came 1 month after my 31st birthday, an engagement on Christmas Eve, and the birth of our youngest daughter.

It started toward the end of my pregnancy, I noticed a painful lump under my arm. My OB/GYN excused it as a blocked milk duct, but the pain grew intense and the swelling worsened. After giving birth, it became difficult to hold my baby without excruciating pain. At my 4 week postnatal exam, I insisted on an appointment for an ultrasound. At my ultrasound, I was asked to stay, have a mammogram and speak to a surgeon. He sent me for a biopsy the next morning, and a day later I had my results. The excitement of our new addition, and our engagement stopped. I was devastated and afraid. Our daughters were 6 weeks and 6 years old.

After exhausting amounts of appointments, I met my oncologist and was given a treatment plan of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. My cancer was aggressive, so within 2 weeks I started chemo, all while finishing up a school year with my 1st grader, and adjusting to life with a newborn. It was heartbreaking and difficult, but I stayed strong.

I tested positive for the BRCA-1 gene. These results, my type of cancer, and lymph node involvement, is what pushed me to the decision of a double mastectomy. My surgery was July 17th. Double mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy and reconstruction. Surgery went well, but recovery was complicated for me with the girls. All I wanted was to hold my baby. Fortunately, I had amazing support.

I started radiation October 1st. I am looking forward to my future as a survivor and excited to start planning a wedding. This journey has been challenging, but great support and a positive mind have been my best medicine. I hope I inspire others to never give up and to always have hope. I can't give up! I have to be strong! My girls need their mommy and I am going to be here.

Daniela Attinato
Cleveland, OH