A mother's Story

I am a single mother of a 5 year old. At the time that I found my breast cancer my child was 3 years old and I was 34. I went to the Doctor and he sent me for my mammogram. The radiologist told me that it was a swollen milk duct and to come back in 6 months. When I came back 6 months later I had stage 2 ductal breast cancer. It had reached the lymph nodes under my arm. I cried but I fought through the Chemo and the surgeries and the radiation. I have been cancer free now for 2 years this month. I learned that when it seems to be the darkest moment of your life, it's actually the brightest. I would never change my fight for anything. It has shown me not to give up, and to live life everyday. But most of all treasure and love your family.


Colorado Springs, CO