A Mammogram saved my life

In July 2009 a nurse from my primary care clinic called me to find out why I hadn't had a mammogram even though I had just celebrated my 45th birthday. I never really worried about anything like that because no one in my family has had breast cancer but I went ahead and made an appointment. Two days after my routine mammogram I received a call that they wanted me to come back for a diagnostic mammogram and the radiologist scheduled a biopsy for 8/14. On 8/24/09 I received the devastating news that would change my life forever.....I had breast cancer....ductal carcinoma in situ. A week later after an MRI my doctor delivered the next blow....I had to have a mastectomy because the cancer was in an area where breast conservation surgery was not indicated. I thought I was going to die. I didn't know how I would get through this devastating diagnosis. However, I was blessed in such a way because of how early my cancer was diagnosed, barely Stage 1, I did not require chemotherapy or radiation. I had my mastectomy on September 18, 2009 and began reconstruction in October. I consider myself reborn on September 18 but on October 5 I received the best news ever....my lymph nodes were clean and the tissue tests were clean....all the cancer was removed in my surgery. Reconstruction was painful and discouraging but on March 3 I had an implant placed where my left breast used to be. This has been a struggle to stay positive but I am here to tell you that a mammogram can save your life...it saved mine. If I had waited until age 50 I would probably not be sharing my story with you.

Sonia Gomez
Virginia Beach, VA