A Life Forever Changed

In 2004, I had just lost my 97 year old grandmother. I was, and still am a single Mother and was working as an EMT. I found a lump in my left breast and didn't tell anyone for a week. It was a month away from my 34th birthday.
I finally went to the doctor and instead of telling me it was nothing, he told me to go get a mammogram right then. He could call and make me an appointment. But, I told him I would do it and it was scheduled for a week later.
I am adopted, I was as an infant. So, I have no family history that I know of. I felt so scared and alone. I told myself this isn't happening.
They did the mammogram and an ultrasound. A week later was the biopsy. It was cancer. I was 33 years old!
My surgeon did a lumpectomy first. But it was bigger than they thought. So a week later they removed my left breast. Two of three lymph nodes were positive. Stage 2.
The chemo and radiation lasted a year. I tolerated the chemo well, the radiation not so well. For you see, I am a fair Irish lass and I burn easily.
The whole year I was 34 I spent fighting the cancer. I tried re construction in 2005 and it didn't work out well.I cannot go back on the rescue, the lifting isn't good for my left arm.

But! The cancer didn't take my life! My hair grew back and I made it to the other side. I am grateful for everyday. My daughter is 13 and she knows she has a family history, we will be careful with her. I am a 5 year survivor now. And life is good!

Erin McCrone
Warwick, AL