A life changing experience !

I was diagnosed at the age of 44, with no family history of breast cancer March 7, 2013. Let me tell you it was a shock!!! My husband and I just held each other when we found out the news. Sometimes we ask "why me Lord?", because we are only human. April 5th, I had a lumpectomy and started chemo May 2. I went through 16 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments. With the support of my family and church, I made it through! I can say I am a one year survivor!!( because I am actually siting in the Drs. office and just got my
results from my mammogram!!). You have to stay positive and keep the Faith!! That is 99.9% of the fight ! It is a life changing experience!! I don't sweat the small stuff anymore 😊😊

Henderson, KY