A Lesson Learned and a Blessing Received

Because I hate mammograms and thought I was "too busy," I foolishly skipped my 2012 mammogram. My procrastination caught up with me on Sept. 23 -26, 2013, when I had a regular mammogram followed by a diagnostic one and then a needle biopsy by the radiologist. When the radiologist called on the 26th & gave me the news, I was numb. Surely this was a bad dream! On Oct. 25, I had a lumpectomy, but testing showed the margins weren't totally clear. I returned to surgery on Nov. 6. In the days after surgery, pain from the sentinel node incision worsened. I called my surgeon who called in another prescription for pain pills. On Saturday evening two days later, my husband took me to the ER where I was admitted to the hospital with MRSA. Three days in the hospital and tons of antibiotics later, I came home and began healing. My surgeon had sent my tumor for Oncotype testing, so we anxiously awaited the results. My onco score was 17, and I was thrilled; that score plus other factors (HER+, not genetic, Stage IIb invasive ductal cancer with no node involvement, 2.8 cm, post-menopausal) meant that I did not need chemo! I had 30 radiation treatments, and they were a breeze. I started Femara in March 2014 and am tolerating it very well (aside from a few hot flashes & some fatigue....a small price to pay). When I was diagnosed, I searched the Internet for stories of women who had my stage, type of cancer and rejoiced when I read that they survived and thrived. I learned my lesson: get mammograms (and other diagnostic tests) on schedule. The blessing I received was the outpouring of love from family & friends and a strengthening of my faith in God.

Summerville, SC