A journey to discovered inner strength.

January 10, 2012 was the day I received the results from my biopsy. My doctor began to explain that the biopsy showed to be cancer. The minute I heard the word cancer, it seemed as though the world stopped. I was diagnosed with triple negative, evasive ductile carcinoma that day & it forever changed my life.
For the next 10 months, I went through 8 rounds of chemo, a double mastectomy & 22 rounds of radiation.
There was nothing that prepared me for the immense physical pain, or the emotional lows that I endured those 10 months.
I kept hope, prayed & with the love & support from my amazing fiancé, family, & friends I made it through my darkest days.
I was officially discharged as a patient from the Cross Cancer Institute in February, 2013 & I could not have been happier.
However, 6 months later one of my
blood tests came back irregular & because I am a also a BRCA-1 carrier my dr. thought it might be ovarian cancer. So, back to the Cross Cancer Institute I go for more scans & blood work.
Two days before my wedding (to the most incredibly loving, understanding & supportive man) I received the results from the scans. It wasn't ovarian cancer, unfortunately, it was the initial breast cancer. It metastasized to three different areas in my lymph nodes.
I tearfully told my fiancé the devastating news & after talking it through we decided that the cancer was not going to take any goodness or magic away from our weekend. (We had a very love filled & special wedding!)
I started chemo a month after our wedding & had my last treatment this past March. My body responded well to the treatment & to the changes I made to my diet & way of being. My last scans showed that my lymph nodes have returned back to normal. Yay!
Very thankful for answered prayers, and very blessed to have my amazing husband, family & friends with me on this journey.
Here's to continued health, hope & faith.

Edmonton, Canada