A hair cut saved my life

It was summer July 11, 2011 I was at work , I teach hairdressing to apprentices at college. On that particular morning I was doing a cutting demonstration my daughter Amy was the model. When I had finished the cut I was wiping the hair off me I moved my right breast to one side to wipe the hair from the side of my body. That when I noticed a small lump. I got one of my colleagues to feel it too. I went the doctors straight away. The doctor immediately referred me to the breast care suite for some tests. I had a mammogram, ultra sound and biopsy. Then I had to wait for the results. When I went back that was when all my fears where confirmed . I had stage 3 aggressive Her2 positive breast cancer. I felt numb I had long blonde hair I was a hairdresser my life was about hair!! I asked them not would I die but would I loose my hair! they said most deffinatly . 5 days later my date was set
I finally went in to theatre to have a lumpectomy and full lymphnode removal as it has spread to 2 lymphnodes. I had to wait 5 days to see if I was clear . In that time I booked to go to Spain for 3 days with my friend to take my mind off things . I was all clear on the 14th August 2011. But that wasn't all because my cancer was so aggressive I had to endure 6 sessions of chemotherapy, 20 sessions of radiotherapy, 18 sessions of herceptin, 4 echocardiogram and 40 blood tests, I also had my ovaries and tubes removed to reduce my chances of it coming back. It took 1 and half years. In between that I ran Jane Tomlinson 10k for breast cancer research. I got through it all even though I still get scared. I thank my lucky stars that I did that cut that day!
It saved my life I will be 3 years clear on the 5th August 2014

Amanda Jayne Morgan
Barton upon Humber, United Kingdom