A Cancer Surprise

My adoptive mother and the rest of family had gathered for a holiday celebration when she casually mentioned that she had done a biopsy on one of her breasts. She described how scared she was, but she made light of the whole experience. I was made to believe there was nothing to be concerned about it.

Then, I was speaking to her on the phone one day and she mentions casually to me, "I have cancer and I am going into the hospital to take care of it." I was surprised, because she had given me the impression that everything was alright. It took me days to really absorb all that I had been told.

She handled her diagnosis with such grace and calm which only reinforced her character for being a very strong woman who does not let too many things get her down. Even when she felt tired and lifeless, she refused to let cancer have the upper hand.

I tried to talk her out of invasive treatments such as surgery, however, she felt it was the best way for her as well as targeted chemotherapy. It turned out that her tumor was so large that it would only respond to a surgical procedure.

She was very proactive with regard to tackling her diagnosis of cancer. She took supplements as well as conventional medicine to fight the disease. Her surgery was a long an arduous one, however she pulled through like a trouper.

Even when she had to take her chemotherapy treatments which made her weak and lifeless she kept trudging through. She went to work almost every day.

Although, it has only been a few months since her diagnosis and treatment, no one would ever know, because she refuses to let cancer reign over her life.

Each day, she gets up and shows cancer who is boss by conducting her daily routines and often trying to help others in the process. As far as I am concerned, I think she is a true champion for fighting cancer so valiantly.

Jericho, NY