A Bumble Bee

It is almost 14 years now since I had breast cancer, I was 51 at the time and still lived in the U.K. I went out into my garden to collect my washing off the line, it was a beautiful sunny day so I only had on a strappy top, as I reached out to get my washing a Bumble Bee landed on my right breast, I went to push it off but it stung me first. I removed the sting, but a few days later a lump came up, so I went to see the Doctor who examined me and said I think it is just a result of the bee sting but I will send you to have a check.
I had a needle put into my breast to find out what was happening. A few days later I went back for the results, I was then told I had breast cancer and how lucky was I that the bee had stung me as it found the lump, if it hadnt been for that bee It could have been too late to do anything about it. I had the lump removed, I then had chemotherapy and radiotherapy and 14 years on I am still going strong and hopefully will continue to do so for a long time. I now live in Greece on the island of Kos as it was our dream to live in the sunshine and after everything that happened it made us realise if you want to do something then do it before it is too late.

Kos, Greece