7 years cancer free

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago on june 19. When she had surgery the lump was 8 cm. The dr. told us if it was at 10 cm she would have to have a masectomy. we were thankful it had not grown. after she healed from surgery she started radiation treatment 5 days a week for six weeks. That was so hard to see her go throgh that then the gell things they gave to her to wear in her bra well she was allergic to them. after the radiation she took aremadex for 5 years. Today our momma is cancer FREE. We are so proud of her and we are thankful to have her with us today. To all who have been diagnosed and are fighting cancer you all are in my families thoghts and prayers.
We LOVE YOU MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asheville, NC