7 year survivor

I was 61 when I was told I had stage 3 breast cancer. It was the scariest thing that I ever went through. I had surgery, chemo and than radiation. I now go for my checkup every year, including a mammogram, chest exray, blood tests and bone scan. I try to take good care of my self. Just had my 7 year checkup and all is well. I have to give credit to my doctors in saving my life and of course God. I prayer alot. I really enjoy life now. I try to spent as much time as I can with my husband and my family. We have lots of fun together. I have the greatest friends. They were my support through all of this. I have so many friends that are going through some type of cancer. I wish I could be there for all of them. I am so lucky. You have to keep positive through it all and listen to your Doctors.I did exactly what they said. All I said I am going to be ok.

Crystal River, FL