4 year survivor!

Hi, my name is Carla and I was diognosed with breast cancer in May of 2010. I found the lump myself. I had a Lumpectomy July 2010, radiation, then chemo. With a high family history of breast cancer,( Aunt on my dad's side, 3 cousins, which 1 died, I went to be tested for the Heriterity Breast/Overian Cancer Gene. I was tested positive. It was passed from my dad. Both of my sisters & 1 brother were tested positive also. 1 brother & 1 sister were negative. Also both of my daughters are positive, 3 cousins so far, & a few nieces at this posting. I wish I would of been tested before any treatment because I would of opted to just have bilateral mastectomies. Ladies, if you know that you have a high risk of breast cancer in your family, & you were diognosed with breast cancer get tested first. You can save yourself from going through some surgeries or treatments. I had my implants in for about a year and a half, and started to develope capsular contracture. That's scar tissue that grows around the implants and they get hard. Well as of April 10, 2014, I had the implants taken out and I'm glad I did. I know I'm not looking pretty, but I rather be healthy and comfortable in my own body. By the way, my insurance covered the Genetic testing. I have BCBS Insurance. I just want to wish any of you ladies the best of luck going through your treatments. Stay STRONG & POSITIVE! You can get through this! God Bless you all!

Carla Gress
Wheatfield, NY