3rd time around

Hi my name is Doreen and I was diagnosed with stage 2A ductal caricinoma in may of 2001 I had bilateral mastec did chemo and radaitation. 13 YEARS later i was having trouble swallowing went to the dr, and found a 11cm mass in my chest wall yes it it hit me hard but I knew I kicked it's butt once I can certainly do it again. I began chemo and after one treatment I was able to swallow, now this time around I had become a Christian and had more support and prayers than anyone can imagine also my son was now 13 so he saw everything the first time he was only a baby. I made sure I stood strong and fought as hard as I could. After about a year of chemo we did PET scan and PRAISE GOD the dr. said "it's gone" woo hoo party time but I had to do once a month maintance chemo which i did. I began to notice something on my thyroid getting bigger so we did a FNA and low and behold the BC had once again shown it's ugly head but the good news is, that it is only on my thyroid and no where else. So I am currently taking a chemo pill and going for radaitaion every day and Yee haaa THE TUMOR IS SHRINKING AT A RAPID RATE AFTER ONLY 3 WEEKS OF TREATMENT. I set aside prayer time every morning for healing to be poured into me and I truly believe that my faith and positive outlook I WILL SURVIVE YET AGAIN.

Stay strong my sisters and fight on.

Doreen Squitieri
Elmwood Park, NJ