38 and a Happily Pregnant

We waited years for a doctor to tell us: "You’re pregnant." I never imagined just a few months after we heard those words, I would hear four more: "You have breast cancer." I still tear up when I recall those words, yet smiles and joy come when thinking of my special gift from God, my blessing, Sydney Marie. Sydney is the happy outcome of a painful period of my life, when the joy of motherhood was shadowed by surgery, chemotherapy treatments, hair loss, and uncertainty. It's a combination that seemed too cruel to be true. I was only 38, had no family history of breast cancer, and didn't know pregnant women could develop the disease. Then more devastation came when the surgeon said “the pregnancy is not a viable option”. I thought to myself, what if I get through the pregnancy, have a baby, and then die shortly after?

Dr Mohamed met with us during her lunch hour. The next day, I underwent a complete mastectomy. A month later, I began chemotherapy infusions every three weeks. I was determined to have a normal pregnancy. Before and after every surgery and chemotherapy treatment, clinicians let me hear my baby's heartbeat. On September 26, 2000, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. The joy of giving birth was followed by another 6 treatments of chemotherapy.

Hardest for me: the initial chemotherapy infusions, not knowing what if any affects it could have on our baby. I prayed daily asking God to show me she was protected. God gave me that sign. I knew the moment Sydney was born she was blessed. You see, at the time of birth I had lost my hair due to chemotherapy, however, the moment I laid eyes on Sydney I knew God protected her – my blessing Sydney was born with a full head of hair. I cried tears of joy and thanked God for His sign and removing any guilt.

Looking back at my life experience, I give thanks for the abundance of joy and love that surrounds me today and every day.

Perrysburg, OH