37 Still standing

It was April 1996 when I was diagnosis with stage 2 almost stage 3 breast cancer. My world fell apart I under went 13.5 hours of surgery double masectomy and reconstive surgey then through the greul fact of chemothropy and radeation. I remember the drs telling me that with the chemo I prombely would never get pregenant. For someone who is only 24 yrs old that a hard thing to grasp. Well as of April 2010 I have been 14 yrs free and have a sweet little 3 yr old. Who I call my little mircle child.
I beleave thaty some birth controls out there has a huge impact on the cancer gene. Before I was diagnoised I was on the Depto shot for 2 yrs.
I stopped the shots 3 months after I had a huge lump in my right side. Not to be harsh or anything the drug companies should do more testing on birth control. Through my experinace I'm going to have my daughter tested for the cancer gene I don't wasnt her to go though what I did

Boise, ID