36 days ago my life changed...

Thirty six days ago my life changed. I was diagnosed, as you know, with breast cancer. I vacillate between disbelief and determination and fear. There are moments when I still can't believe that I have cancer. There are moments when I forget - only to remember and be literally paralyzed by my fear. Then I remember who I am, and I remember that there is no courage without fear. And I come from a long line of very courageous women. I don't know what the future brings. No one does - I didn't plan for this, but I will do my very best to provide comfort to all who love me by sharing my experience. I will endeavor comfort to those walking a similar path to my own - a path not chosen but one that I will walk with intention.

This morning, I cried as I washed my hair. This afternoon, with intention, I will shave my head. Cancer will not determine how I walk the path laid down before me. I may not have chosen this road, but I will choose my method of travel.

With strength, support, and intention.

Amanda Schroeder
Portland, OR