Hi Everyone!
my name is Hannah. i am the mom of 5 wonderful boys, the wife of a pretty outstanding husband, and a breast cancer survivor! i was diagnosed April 04, 2008 with invasive ductal carcinoma. it was my very first mammogram. since then, i have had a spring full surgeries, a summer of chemotherapy,an entire fall season of radiation and now i'm on meds for the next five years. the important thing is that my oncologist told me at the end of November that i can now call myself a "breast cancer survivor" ! i try only the focus on that, the positive aspects of this whole ordeal. yes ladies, there are positive aspects! i no longer take things for granted and i dont sweat the small stuff. life is too darned short! i really listen to what my kids tell me, i tell all the people i love, "i love you" EVERYDAY!, and i try to help others who are in the same place i was a year ago.
i am walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this year. it will be my first walk. don't know how well i will do with the physical part of the walk, but i'm excited to be raising so much money for such a worthy cause. we sooooooo need a cure for this horrible disease which is effecting one in every eight women this year alone! the numbers are staggering....
anyway, i just wanted to share this little bit of my life with you all.... a positive attitude goes a really long way in this fight. so everyone effected by breast cancer, FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT AND WE WILL PREVAIL!
thanks, Hannah
Aurora, IL