3.5 Years surviving

I admired Belina Emmett as an Actor/singer and was devistated when I first heard she had breast cancer, my world was rocked more when on the 11th Nov 2006 she lost her battle, this was the same time that I was being diagnosed with the same.

I also lost a friend in the same year to breast cancer, and learnt that another also had been diagnosed and now it was my turn to fight.
When I first went to the doctor to investigate a lump he asked me if I was concerned, I quickly answered no, as there was not any immediate history in my family. We can never assume that it is nothing, and luckily for a majority of women it is nothing , but we can't just pass it off, a simple mamogram can save a life.

We can't say how this will affect us or if it will win but we all can all stand proud and united to fight this.

I am proud to be part of a voice that once was hushed.

Karen Hardwick
Melbourne, Australia