27 years cancer free

27 years ago I heard that dreaded word "cancer" first I cried then I got mad. Cancer was not going to defeat me.
I had a right modified radial mastectomy. At first I was afraid to look at where my breast had been. A close friend was with me when I took the bandages off and looked at my scare. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. With the help of my friend I was able to get through that tough moment.
I had chemo once a week for a year. I was one of the lucky ones. I never lost my hair and never got really sick. I continued to work 2 jobs. It helped me feel alive.
I had a good support system. My family and friends kept me laughing. I now go once a year for a mammogram and blood work to check to see if I am still cancer free
I have beat cancer!!!!

Liz Butler
Grants Pass, OR