My cancer was found July, 1990, on my baseline mammogram at age 40. The biopsy showed a small tumor, ER positive, no node involvement. Had a lumpectomy and radiation and thought I was done. Two years later there was another lump shown on my mammogram in the same breast. I opted for a mastectomy. No radiation or chemo. Again, all was well. In 1996 a big surprise... a bone scan showed the cancer had spread to the bones in my hip and sacrum.
I went through Tamoxifen, Femara, etc. Then through the available chemotherapies. I am now on Taxatare. When this stops working I only have one more chemotherapy left, Platinum. I anticipate about 1 1/2 years on these chemotherapies and I pray that by then there will be something new approved for treatment. I am not giving up on life. I plan to stay alive until a cure is found. That is why it is so important to continue to support research. In July I will be a 19 year survivor, 13 years Stage IV!
I thank God and my doctors daily that I am doing so well. I am able to live my life with joy. God has blessed me and used me as encouragement for others, especially those diagnosed as Stage IV. You never know why breast cancer hits. I have a heavy family history of breast cancer on my father's side. Two of my 3 sisters were diagnosed after I was and, thank God, they are doing well. I have been tested for BRCA 1 & 2 mutation and found negative. There must be a genetic connection that has not yet been found. I pray my sisters continue to do well and that my older sister does not have to go through this terrible disease.
Groveland, FL