13+ year survivor - stay strong

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in January 2000. I had a huge mass in my chest. A year of chemo and 22+ days of radiation later and the cancer was gone. I had numerous side effects - the worst being fluid around my heart. I had to go in for surgery to remove the fluid. Surgeon ended up removing a qtr of one of my ribs to perform the procedure. Very painful. The hardest part was I was not married, no children. I was told I wouldn't be able to have children. Broke my heart. ....... My story has a happy ending. I have a. 9 year old healthy, happy and awesome son. Against all odds I'm a mom and cancer free. I participate in the American cancer society relay for life every year. My ordeal makes me appreciate life so much more. I love my little boy he's a gift from God.

Nancy Morris
Clark, NJ