10 Years and counting

A mammogram with follow up ultrasounds and a core biopsy saved my life. I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer 10 years ago. My heart sank when the doctor called and said, "I am sorry to have to inform you of this, but your biopsy confirms our diagnosis. You have cancer." My first feeling was fear, not for myself, but for my family who might be left behind. And then I think anger and confusion set up camp for a while. But we have been blessed in so many ways since that time. We choose to do a lumpectomy with removal of the sentinal node and the two on each side of it. My pathology report came back with the great news that the cancer had NOT spread to the nodes. I was required to do 30 consecutive radiation treatments, but did not have to have any chemotherapy. I also had to take Tomoxifin for 5 years, and then was switched to Femara for another 3 years. We had great doctors all along the way, and my cancer has not returned for 10 years. My family was the biggest support I could have ever hoped for. The promise of our first grandchild (Alaina) was just more reason for me to keep fighting this battle. God Bless all of the doctors and nurses who deal with Breast Cancer patients on a daily basis. I hope my story will inspire hope to someone who is feeling like this is the end of their road. Cancer is not the threat it was 20 years ago, and definately not a death sentence. Let this be a door to a new beginning. Never lose hope! You have brother and sisters (survivors) who are willing to share your burden. Let us do that for you!

Lorrie Coffey
Columbus, IN