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My Mom my sister and Me !

My Mom my sister and Me !

My mom died 8 years ago from BC, in oct 2012 I was diagnosed with BC too, 3 months later my sister. My sister and I decide to fight for our lives, she had double mastectomy, I had partial (R) Breast, radiation and tamoxifen.
The most difficult desicion was how I'm going to say this to my family. Was sad but I put some humor, never loose my Faith and hope.
And for all my pink sister's out there NEVER NEVER GIVE UP .

Reading, PA

was told had breast cancer then told they made a mistake

22 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer had lump removed and lymphoid s removed, then had radiation treatments after about 6 months the doctor called to tell me they made a mistake I didn't have cancer after 22 years later having problems with radiation which I was over radiated ..the Pathologist diagnosed me wrong..So doctors make mistakes all the time..He said he had trouble diagnosing it but wouldn't ask for help then..let me go threw unnecessary surgery and radiation then he asks months later! Get second opinions put with the Pathologist you don't see him so hard to get two opinions for them.So be careful what Doctors you go to!

Phx, AZ

Two Year Ordeal With My Husband by My Side Every Step

Two Year Ordeal With My Husband by My Side Every Step

I was diagnosed in February 2012 with breast cancer. I had a lymph node dissection on March 6th followed by a right mastectomy on March 21st, 2012. After seeing a specialist and my oncologist, it was mutually decided on that I would not have chemo due to studies showing that there was only a 1 or 2% difference in recurrence rates among women who had the same stage and type of cancer I had. So we proceeded with reconstructive surgery. I was not healing properly so the tissue expander had to be removed. I was told to give it time to heal and we would attempt it again. Approximately 6 months went by and it was time to try again. I had gone through the delay surgery prior to what was going to be the tram flap surgery. I ended up having a hematoma in that surgery site. So back into surgery to have that removed and again things were put off for healing time. That put me up to a total of 5 surgeries. While taking time to heal again, I began having heavy vaginal bleeding. So much that I was anemic and needed a blood transfusion (2 units of blood) and a D&C to stop the bleeding. 6 surgeries now! After seeing my gynecologist regarding the bleeding issues, I decided to go through with having a complete hysterectomy that Nov. This was due impart to the bleeding being recurring and because the cancer I had was fueled by estrogen. Removing it all seemed to be ideal- 7th surgery! The next attempt at reconstruction was to have the latissimus flap with the insertion of the tissue expander again (8th surgery). Again I was not healing properly, so back in to have it cleaned (9th surgery). Unsuccessful, so back in to have it removed; It was found that I had MRSA. Lots of antibiotics and time to heal again. 6 months later Insertion of the tissue expander again (11th surgery). I healed, YAY! Time to have the final surgery to put in the breast implant and it was completed, #12.

Charlene Salyers
Amelia, OH

swapping seats

My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2012 and 2013 he had three cycles of chemotherapy and also had an operation in our first year of marriage. After that I felt that normality would occur, unfortunately it wasnt the case. I was diagnosed with breast cancer around a month after his treatment ended.

Its been surreal because of the lack of overtime between both of our cancer's, we have had to have the same tests as each other and also have fertility treatment as a couple. Hearing my name so close after his as been surreal and literally we have swapped seats between a very small period of time. When I told my family that something had happened they expected that it was my husband, that something was wrong with him and again I have had to go back to chemotherapy but as the patient not as the carer.

I have had so much support, love and well wishers, people who have come into my life and helped me. My husband has been amazing and we have also been doing up our home in the process of both of us having cancer its crazy. I am lucky because of the support and love received from my husband during the time we have both supported each other through both of our chemotherapy and cancer diagnoses. We have tried to have a laugh and a joke through these difficult times.

As a couple we have endured so much in such a small period of time and both our under 35! I am currrently having chemotherapy and will have an operation and also radiotherapy but through the love and support feel that I am carried through this difficult time! xxx

Dagenham, United Kingdom

my rock

I'm the son of a mother who had breast cancer. She was a great mother and was my ROCK. She has now passed on at the age of 83. She was a woman who survived breast cancer for 50yrs. And she had three children after she was in remission, including me who just turned 58. She was diagnosed in the 1950s. Treatments were alot different then. So ladies and gentlemen fight. There is HOPE!!!!

Robert Nolte
canton, MI

God Was Watching Over Me

I always use my birthday as a reminder to get my annual mammogram. This year I had a strange feeling about it. I remembered things my Mother, a registered nurse, had said after her first mastectomy in 2001. She would say to me about how this or that made sense now that she knew she had breast cancer. She was referring to the increase in hair coming out each time she took a shower, body temperature fluctuations, and increase in psoriasis spots, to name a few.

I started having a lot of the same symptoms after the first of the year but didn't put it together until some time in March. I didn't feel any lumps in my breasts. The lymph glands in my right armpit would be a little enlarged at times but would go back down to normal in a day. The day after my annual mammogram I received a phone call stating there was something they needed to take a closer look at and would I please go in for another mammogram. The second mammogram still showed something so they took me across the hall for a sonogram.

The doctor that did the sonogram informed me there was something definitely there and she proceeded to do a manual to see if she could feel a lump. There were no lumps which stunned her. My biopsy came back positive for cancer.

On April 23rd I had a lumpectomy and 16 sentinel lymph nodes removed for testing. The lymph nodes came back negative and the actual tumor was only 7 cm. I was told I was very lucky as I had Stage I, ductile carcinoma, hormone receptive and did not need chemo. I currently have 8 radiation treatments to go then 5 years of hormone suppressing drugs.

Mom was 69 1/2 with her first mastectomy. I was 4 days shy of my 59th birthday when I had my lumpectomy. We both are proof that mammograms save lives. Please get your mammogram each year!

Corinne Strittmatter
Latrobe, PA

Happy "40th" Birthday!

Happy "40th" Birthday!

On my 40th birthday my best friend treated me to a massage. When I rolled over onto my stomach I immediately felt the lump in my breast. I couldn't wait for the massage to be over. At age 26 I had some fibroid cysts so I figured that's what this was and decided I wasn't going to freak out about it. I figured I would call my doctor when life wasn't so hectic and crazy. A couple days later my 2 1/2 year old son and I were goofing around and something just made both us stop and stare at each other. In that moment I decided I couldn't ignore or be so casual about this lump. I called and made an appointment the next morning. When I went in they first did a mammogram. When the tech came back from showing the doctor the scan she said that he needed a few more pictures, I started to worry. From that moment on it's been a flurry of activity. Before I left the doctors office that day they also performed an ultrasound and a biopsy. I could tell by the way they were all holding my hand and speaking to me that I had cancer. I have an incredible team and am scheduled for a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery in a little over a week. So far, fear has not gotten the best of me and when it does I look into my sons beautiful blue eyes and I know I want to look there for many many more years! The support from family and friends has been overwhelming in such a good way. It's also an incredible honor how many woman have contacted me saying that they have scheduled their mammograms! For my friends, family, women everywhere and most importantly my beautiful son, I WILL FIGHT AND I WILL WIN!

Highwood, IL

breasr cancer

It has been 12 years since my battle with breast cancer. It was tough and it wasn't easy but I made it. I still get nervous every time I go for my appointment and what a relief when the Doctors says looking good. Once you go through all this you are so grateful you made it. I have had many friends and relative with cancer but we fought a good battle and won. M husband Peter also had breast cancer the same side but he didn't have yo have chemo or radiation like me. he had to habe his breast removed. he still has to have checkups and Mammograms. He is 78 and am 68 yrs old. I wish all who get this will be strong and you will come through it even though you feel bad in the beginning but the end will be so joyous trust me.

Wynantskill, NY

my mother

My mom got diagnosed with cancer in September. In November, she started her chemo treatments. I took off to b there with her as she was for her step mom. Sometimes, they just need to know someone is there. I was so worried that something would happen if I wasn't there. So she finished her treatments in March and is now cancer free. However, she's doing radiation to make sure the cancer cells are completely gone. I'm so glad she no longer has cancer and she can get back to her normal self.

Phylencia Dawson
Fayetteville, NC

My Husband Safed My Life

One late night in May 30th, 2011 my husband and I were laying in bed talking about what we needed to do the next day. He put his hand on my left breast he sat up and asked me "How long have you had this lump?" I told him that it is just another Fibroid, he then ask me if I had seen the doctor. I told him no, he told me that I needed to schedule an appointment the next day with the doctor or He would. The next day I scheduled an appointment with my GYN doctor.
On June 10th, 2011 I went to my appointment that sent me in a journey. My GYN doctor immediately found the lump on my left breast. From my GYN doctor, I headed to have a mammogram, from there I was taken to another room where an ultrasound was done. A doctor walked in an told me that they wanted to do a needle biopsy but I had to come the next day. They did the biopsy and within a week I received a call for me to come in to get the results. I had cancer, from there it was to the Oncologist, Medical Oncologist, and Radiologist.
My Oncologist set me up for Lumpectomy, my Medical Oncologist told me about about OncoType test it would tell the Medical Oncologist if I would need chemo & how much, and what percentage of the cancer would reoccurs, I agree. Unfortunately they did the Lumpectomy, turns out I had to two types of cancer - stage II, it was also in my left lymph nodes, and the lines were dirty (more cancer). So I had to have a mastectomy, I chose Bilateral Mastectomy. The results of the Onco Type came back under 10 % of recurring and no chemo and no radiation. I do have to take Arimidex medication daily. I'm grateful to be able to be here for my family, friends, and to be able to help those diagnosed with cancer. I just celebrated my 3rd Anniversary cancer free. Thank you Lord!

Marta Santiago
Greenville, NC