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My Daughter-In-Law

Cancer is cancer whether it is breast cancer or some other form of cancer any one can be inflicted with the disease.

What hit home for me is my daughter-in-law who is now a cancer survivor. A divorced mother with a small daughter has proven to me what a real fighter is. I'm not sure of what form of cancer she had because I never asked but cancer is cancer and without cancer centers to assist what would happen to so many who are afflicted with the disease. It didn't hit home with her until she lost her hair (while undergoing chemo) when she realize my hair is going down the drain. That took a real toll on her but only for a brief time because she realized she was not alone and not the first person this had happened too. Being a strong person she held on to her faith grabbed herself by the ankle and kept it moving.

My daughter-in-law has a remarkable faith in God and it has truly help to deal with cancer. For chemo treatments she would drive back and forth from Dallas to Ft. Worth because Dallas did not have a chemo treatment center sometimes alone and sometime with a friend, but she keep the faith and moved forward every day. To me she is an extraordinary woman who never who never lost sight of today and the tomorrows to come.
We stay in very close contact and for her I am a believer in cancer survivors. To assist the drive I am launching a penny drive with all my email buddies for the "Susan G. Coleman" drive this year.

I encourage anyone who reads this to do whatever they can to raise funds and donate in honor of a loved one or friend.

Rosa Harrison
Washington, DC

My Cancer Survivor Story : )

I found a tiny lump on my left breast, after two mammograms, a sonogram with an awesome surgeon, and a lumpectomy, I was diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer on March 5, 2007. I chose to have a double mastectomy although the cancer was only in the left breast. I had three types of cancer and an over 5 cm tumor very close to the chest wall. Two of ten lymphnodes were matastisized.
I had four rounds of Adriamycin/Cytoxin chemotherapy, 12 rounds of Taxol chemotherapy, then 33 radiation treatments. I am taking Tamoxifen and will be until 2013.
I finished my treatment November 30, 2007. I have had two follow up appointments and my tumor marker has lowered each time. I go again in June, 2009.
I am very blessed with an amazing supportive family who took excellent care of me during my treatment. My faith in God and belief that his will be done also kept me quite strong.
I met some absolutely incredible people during my journey and though it sucked, I know I have grown into a better, stronger, more loving individual because of it.
Years ago people did not survive breast cancer. How awesome to have this disease in a time when medical advances can save your life.
Wow, I feel blessed.
May God bless all of you.

Lori Madden
Wichita Falls, TX

The Importance of Physical, Loving Support

In spite of regular mammograms (the last had been in May, 2007) in November of 2007 I was shocked to be given a diagnosis of Stage-3 breast cancer. Adding to the trauma, my husband of fifty-four years had died little more than a year prior to my cancer diagnosis. At age seventy five I was still trying to find equilibrium and make sense out of my new role, living life alone.
A modified mastectomy was done mid-November. Nine lymph nodes were removed, all testing positive for cancer. I remained in a daze through surgery, scans, preparation for chemo, then some chemo which I was unable to tolerate. Then later I was given thirty- two computer assisted radiation treatments. My medical team of mostly compassionate and caring individuals made the experiences doable.
These several months later,I am thought to be cancer-free. In reprospect, I could not have survived any of the past year without the physical and prayerful support of my family and friends. My church made arrangements for transportation to all the radiation treatments and many of my medical appointments.
Living alone with life-threatening illness is difficult and sometimes terrifying. My husband dealt with pancreatic cancer for one year before it took his life. He remained at home under hospice care. However, it was my daily ministrations, food preparation and support that helped him cope and get through those months and weeks with for the most part, a satisfactory quality of life. Individuals going through serious illness are so fortunate and blessed when they have the support and care of a loving spouse.

Nelia Greer
Fountain Hills, AZ

Base Line Mamogram Saved me

I had my baseline mammogram the end of May in 1991, right before Memorial Day. I received a call from my doctor a couple of days later to have a biopsy, my mammogram looked suspicious on my left breast, I had my biopsy and was diagnosed with breast cancer on June 7th, 1991 right after my 40th birthday. I had a mastectomy on June 21st. and went through 8 rounds of chemotherapy, as of today I have been cancer free for close to 18 years. Do not put off your Mammogram it is probably the easiest life saving test you'll ever have take.

Paula Bibbs
Glendale Hts., IL

Pati's journey

My story started in September 2007. One day I noticed that my left breast was not the same as my right one. The right one was a typical, 51 year old, nursed 3 kids, a little saggy, breast. The left one was starting to become firm again! I had just had 2 mammograms and a well visit to my GYN, so I really didn't think it was breast cancer. Perhaps a clogged duct, something like that. Well... I waited till the end of Sept., the 25th to be exact, when I had a physical already scheduled. By then it was even more firm in the area down near the areola. I showed my Dr. and said, "do you think I need an ultrasound?" He said,"Yes." and that is when my nightmare began.
I went for my ultrasound, which was deemed "suspicious", so I then had to have a breast MRI, which ultimately led to me going to see a surgeon for a biopsis. It was determined that I had stage 2 or 3 (couldn't tell) invasive breast cancer and an agressive treament was needed. I went thru chemotherapy first, because of the size, then I opted for a bilateral mastectomy (28 nodes removed, only first 3 effected) and finally radiation. I then had a Lattisimus dorsi flap surgery performed for reconstruction purposes and soon I will have the final surgery where my expanders are removed and gel implants are put in.
I want to say my surgeon said that "knowing what he knew now, he went back and looked at all my past mammos and saw the cancer as far back as 2 years ago."
I am doing fine now, cancer free, still trying to correct some of chemo's side effects but feeling very good! Breast self-exams are so important.

Pati Schembari
Montrose, NY

Sue's story

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 9/11/07 and my dad was diagnosed on 9/13/07 with cancer. I live 4 hours away and couldn't burden my mom with my news, so I kept my secret for the next few months. We decided that our kids needed to see their grandfather before he died, so we went to Maryland. That weekend I had to tell my mom because I was going to have to do chemo. It was really hard to hurt her heart that much. My dad passed away November 2, less than 15 hours after I left to come back home. So I turned around and went back. The week of Thanksgiving, mu oldest had knee surgery, my port was placed and December 3rd, I started chemo. Within 2 hours sick as hell. My mom was with me and it was very difficult. January 25th, my brother in law was killed in an automobile accident. I went back to my old job and asked for my job back and after 3 visits of asking for my job, I was told he wouldn't give it back. So I think God had tested me as far as I think he thought he could. And then my youngest son was in an accident that he flipped my truck on Christmas Eve. Today, I am still feeling the affects of the cancer with having to do physical therapy. Cancer changes a person's outlook on many things. Though it kicked my butt, I think I am stronger than I thought I ever could be. My family supports me completely and my boys are my greastest joys. They wear cancer sweatshirts and sport stickers they had made on their trucks. God has made me a much stronger person. And life is too short.

Susan Gatliff
Chesapeake, VA

My Breast Cancer's Influence on My Daughter

My Breast Cancer's Influence on My Daughter

My story began in July 2000, a few short months after the first photo ("Then") was taken of my daughter and me. She was only 10 years old when I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer involving one of my lymph nodes. I picked up a pamphlet about how to tell your children you have cancer. The pamphlet, intended to encourage me, reported that children are very resilient to the news -- that is, except for adolescent girls. This was good news where my 4 year old son was concerned; not good news for my daughter. Knowing this was the case, I paid much closer attention to how I presented updates to her. We were not allowed to use the "C" word, until the day she insisted on going with me to help pick out my wig and the lady at the shop asked me what kind of cancer I had. It was harsh, but made me realize I could not shelter my daughter. Her personal make-up is so shaped by that period of her childhood, and shaped in a good way. In high school she helped organize and participated in cancer fund-raising events, graduated with honors, and received academic scholarships. "Then" was nearly 9 years ago and "now" my daughter is a freshman in college, majoring in psychology with hopes of one day working with children who are affected by serious illness or disorders that could affect them later in life. While we both worry about the possibility of breast cancer in her future, I try to focus on the positive and know that there are children out there who will one day benefit from the help of someone who had a very life-changing experience in her own childhood.

Bonnie Sohngen
Cincinnati, OH

I Did It My Way

In May of 2005, I had bariatric surgery. I weighed 387 pounds. In August I had gout as a result of the new high protein diet and also got a "bad" mammogram. I had lost 87 pounds, so they could finally "see" through the dense breast tissue. (I was a 48-DD) Small, less than stage 1 cancer in left breast which had broken out into the milk ducts.

My choice at age 59 was a bilateral mastectomy. I wasn't giving cancer a second chance and I wanted symmetry on my chest. Drastic choice; could have gone with radioactive seed beads or lumpectomy followed by radiation. My choice was to get it done and move on...didn't want to worry about a reoccurence in the same or the other breast in 5-10 years.

I am now 235 pounds...No breast reconstruction, no desire for it...and NO REGRETS...I am a survivor, but I also consider myself "cancer-free".

Meriel Collins
Wahiawa, HI

2008 was a very bad year

2008 was a very bad year

Went for my 1st mammogram 6-20-08 at age 46, with no clue anything was wrong. Mom went to the hospital 6-22. I was called for another bilateral mammogram 6-25, had ultrasounds too. Had bilateral biopsies 6-30. On 7-2 found out right side was benign fibroadenoma, left invasive ductal carcinoma with DCIS. Had right lumpectomy 7-16 (to be sure it was benign). Genetic testing was negative. All this while Mom was still in hospital. Mom came home 7-23.

On 8-1 had left mastectomy with reconstruction (latissimus dorsi flap and expander inserted). Came home 8-7. Mom was doing better but passed away suddenly 8-12 from a pulmonary embolism. I went to wake & funeral with drains still in! Found out on 8-18 I needed chemo. Mediport inserted 9-2, first chemo 9-5.

Cancer was stage 2A, ER/PR+, nodes negative, intermediate grade. Was to have 4 treatments of Adriamycin & Cytoxan, then 4 of Taxol. 1st treatment went well. Second had me sick for 2 full weeks, 3rd was delayed a week and dosage reduced. Was sick for over a month from that one. Oncologist discontinued chemo, said it was "beating me up too much". Last chemo 10-10.

Had expander removed and implant inserted; mediport removed; & ovaries & tubes removed on 12-17. Am in a clinical study that requires ovarian suppression so I chose removal vs. radiation or monthly lupron injections for 5 years. Will be on exemestane (Aromasin) for 5 years.

Had more reconstruction (on right breast) on 3-2.

No history of breast cancer in family. Dad had prostate cancer, his mom had colon cancer.

I am an RN and all I have experienced this past 9 months will help me be a better nurse. I have had tests I send patients for but never had observed.

Wish you all the best!

Cathy Walsh
Rocky River, OH

Glad to be a Mammographer

As I was releasing a patient one day, a lady came up to me and thanked me. I asked her why she was thanking me & she told me that if I hadn't pulled & tugged at her breast to get it all in the picture her cancer would not have been found. Her Dr. told her that the cancer was very far back & it was because of the positioning that it was found.From that day since I have been very proud to be a mammographer. Even though many ladies still ask, "Do you do this all day?" My answer is "Yes, I may save a life today."

Karen Burris
VillaGrove, IL