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Stories of Hope

God bless my sister-in-law for being so open about her breast cancer experiences. When I was diagnosed in Feb 2007, I wasn't afraid, I knew exactly what course I wanted to take - a bilateral mastectomy and chemo. She had even taught me the power of laughter versus tears. She and my mother-in-law were prime examples of do what you have to do and move on. Because the knowledge, awareness and support were so important to me, I was open about my experience, which in turn has helped several others in the last couple of years. My husband was the proverbial Rock of Gibraltar and our relationship is even stronger than before. Our daughter already had her first mammogram at 25 and I'm grateful for the ever improving technology that allows for earlier detection.
Life is good.

Carol Young
Indianapolis, IN

I am a survivor

I am a survivor

I was diagnosed in November of 2007. In February of 2008, I had a mastectomy and TRAM flap reconstruction. My road to recovery has been a bumpy one. Complications seem to like me.

After I had my nipple reconstruction, I was looking down at my breasts and said, "These don't match." My husband looked at me and said, "It doesn't matter. You're alive."

That brought everything into perspective. The blood clot, the months on coumidin, wearing compression hose for two years, an allergy to an adhesive I had never been allergic to before, and two very mismatched breasts. Which, I've been told, will match eventually or come pretty close.

I have two grand-nieces ages 1&4 and I have a granddaughter who is 11. I pray every day that they won't have to worry about getting breast cancer. That's why I click every day.

Elly's Gramma
Essex Junction, VT

Victoria Brown
Essex Junction, VT

Mammograms and genetic testing

Both my mother and her sister (now in their late 70s) are survivors of breast cancer. My mother had it over 20 years ago and my aunt only a few years ago. I go for my mammograms every year (I'm 43 now) but I also decided to have genetic testing done. Thank G-d, I tested negative for the BRCA 1 and 2 genes. It's really important to have those mammograms done, as well as self-examination. I pray that one day this horrible disease will be eradicated. In the meantime, keep fighting because there's so much to live for and know that we stand by everyone who has to deal with breast cancer! I wish you strength and healing :-)

Jerusalem, Israel

Survivor and Supporter

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 1990 after finding a lump on breast self examination. Surgery and chemotherapy took 6 long months but I made it with the support of my mother, Carole Kesler. In Jan of 1991, in celebration that my treatments were over, my parents vacationed in Mexico. In April of 1991, my mom was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer and she passed away in June of that year. Without her support, I am sure I would not now be a 19 year survivor. Not a day goes by that I do not remember her beautiful face, her endless caring, and her loving spirit. Keep up the fight and continue to click so that all cancers might be cured in our lifetime.

Rosalie Miller
Wapakoneta, OH

to fix surgical mistakes

To someone named Anoymous in Maspeth,

I have the surgeon for the corrective surgery for you. His name is Dr. Alex Keller in Great neck,NY. try to see him if you can and look at his before and after pictures;he is truly skilled and caring.You don't have to continue to live like this;you can feel and look better. Just try and see him.

Long Island.NY

Long Island, NY

Unbelievable but going through all of the treatments......

In November 2008, I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer after I found a lump in my left breast. I thought it was a cyst, but it turned out to be a very large cancerous mass and I am now, in July 2009. going through radiation as part of my treatment.

My nipple turned inward and I immediately got going for exams, mammograms, ultra sounds, core needle biopsies, diagnoses and treatment. I had to have chemo first, then my mastectomy, and now the radiation.

Ladies, please be aware that you CAN have pain with breast cancer and that if you find a lump, GO NOW and get it investigated. I had a cyst many yeats ago and it was removed and found to be benign.

It is scary and I am glad for all of the people that I know that have been supportive. I was only 51 when it was diagnosed and hope to have a lot more years left. You lose your hair and go through some extremely tough times, but the focus has to be on getting well.

I hope that there is a cure for me and for all of the women that discover that they have this disease. Please everyone, keep supporting breast cancer research, detection, and treatment programs out there. We need the help.

San Diego, CA


My sister, Mary, was diagnosed with breast cancer and treated. Not long afterward, her daughter, Cathy, was diagnosed. Cathy had several years of treatment and participated in several experimental trials, hoping to help others with her experience. She impressed us all with her courage and sweetness. She finally passed on and is greatly missed. Mary, however, has survived and is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Africa helping with an AIDS project. It's easy to see where Cathy got her courage and loving ways.
I am currently caring for a professor in her 80's who has just entered Hospice for terminal breast cancer care. She is amazing. Brave, wise and loving. It's a privilege to spend time with her.
I honor these women and all the others who have shared their lives with us as they experience this great adventure.

Gilbert, AZ

just got the news..

i never thought that i would also share my story here... usually, i am reading the others.. but now, we just found out today, july 25, that our mother has stage 2 cancer.. she was asked to have a mammogram a year ago when my father was being hospitalized. since she was busy tending to the needs of my father and mine, since a month after my father's hospitalization, i got sick too. these events prompted her to withdraw the test considering we were already short of fund at that time. she did not took the prescription seriously.. however, an incident took place during the wake of my father.. my daughter saw the inverted nipples on the breast of my mother.. my brother, being a medical student, check the breast of my mother. he felt the lumps so he urged my mother to pay a check-up with the doctors.. and after a series of ultrasound and biopsies, the result was stage 2 cancer.. i immediately scan through the different internet sites, hoping to get the immediate possible treatment.. seeking for answers and asking for help and prayers.. since right now, all searches points to one thing, that is surgery.. we want to have it done immediately but we need funds to do it.. we have not yet fully recovered from the financial crisis we had since the death of my father, which was only february of this year... we would appreciate very much whatever it is that you can extend to our family.. thanks and God bless..

Davao City, Philippines

etait ce vraiment du courage ou simplement du bon sens ?

etait ce vraiment du courage ou simplement du bon sens ?

ce n'est pas la peine de chercher vos mots docteur ,je sais ce qu'il ya et ce que je vais faire: une mastectomie prophylactique
devant moi sur l'ecran de radio je fixais la tache blanche aussi grande qu'un pouce sur le sein droit
un froid me saisissait , me glaait
ma voix sortait bizarre ,metallique
c'etait ma quatrieme mammographie en trois ans
les trois premieres etaient negatives
ma mere etait au stade terminal de son cancer su sein apres 2ans et demi de lutte ,ablation du sein droit ,chimio,radiotherapie traitements ,...
11 cas de cancer dans la famille maternelle et paternelle ou meme deux hommes cousins de ma mere sont morts a quelques mois l'un de l'autre du cancer du sein
j'en savais plus sur le sujet que la pauvre doctoresse qui voulait me reconforter
je la rassurai vite et sortis voir mon mari
nous avions deja aborde le sujet et j'avais avance sue si je voyais le moindre kyste je ferai une mastectomie
il me dit de ne pas me precipiter a prendre une decision
mais ma decision etait prise bien avant ce jour et sans attendre aucune analyse
deux semaines apres ma mere decedait enfin liberee des douleurs atroces que meme les dernieres drogues anti douleur ne soulageaient pas
quatre mois plus tard je suis passee sur la table ou j'ai laisse une belle poitrine
j'ai refuse de faire une reconstruction

j'ai repris deux mois apres mon poste d'enseignante de mathematiques au lycee
et trois ans apres je me porte comme un charme
et ma vie de famille continue comme avant
j'ai beaucoup prie et dieu m'est venu en aide
je n'ai vu aucun psychologue et n'ai pris aucun calmant ou anti depresseur
tout mon entourage parle de courage mais je sais que c'etait simplement du bon sens

alger, Algeria

Listen to your body!

Listen to your body!

At the age of 44 I got the news..."it is cancer." For over 6 months, I had been experiencing a problem with my right nipple. It was itchy and irritated. Having breastfed my two children years before, I had frequently experienced sore, cracked nipples. So I pretty much ignored the problem--until the nipple began discharging and having "raw" areas. I changed soaps, used special creams...Nothing just got worse. Finally, I went to my Doctor and she confirmed my very worse fears... Cancer of the Nipple or Pagets Disease.I had NEVER heard of it. From there I went to the fabulous SIU Breast Center in Springfield, IL...and they recommended a "scarless" mastectomy with a tram-flap reconstruction. My nodes were chemo!! That was 10 years ago and I am feeling great...and very very lucky! Every year since my diagnosis, the females in my family celebrate with me at our local Race for the Cure...we had 4 generations there this year!!

Argenta, IL