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My mother died of breast cancer in 1996. I am a breast cancer survivor since 2002 and seeing what my mom went through I was aware of how devastating this disease can be. I went through the surgery, radiation and chemo and financial down fall that follows - even with insurance. I was faithful to get all follow-up test and mammograms. I had just began to really get on with my life and recover a little bit financially when I was laid of from my job due to outsourcing. I also lost my health/life insurance benefits. My husband was in the process of picking up the insurance but 2 weeks before our insurance was to go into affect my husband died suddenly of a heart attack. This left us uncovered. I took all I had to bury him. 20 days after my husband died I became sick and ended up on life support in intensive care not expected to live. But I did survive but still trying to recover today. Needless to say I was left in financial ruins. No doctors world even see me because I did not have insurance. I literally went to every organization out there to try to help of any kind (with my mortgage to try to save my house, with utility bills, with food for myself and my dog) and was denied help from every organization. And government Help-- (medicaid and medicare) THAT IS JUST A JOKE!!!! I can't believe I was forced to pay into that for 35 years Well, I lost EVERYTHING The breast cancer society was the ONLY one who treated me with respect and help me to get my mammogram and other testing. A big thank you to you. You are a super organization that really helps people. Thank you!!!

kathy quinn
Dayton, OH

I'm a Survivor

Hi, my name is Paula. In April, 2004 I lost my dad to lung cancer then in July 2004, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was Grade 3 the aggressive form. I went in & had a mastectomy & the lymph nodes took away. I then had chemotherapy from August 2004 til January 2005. I decided to go for reconstructive surgery but first I had to have the right breast reduced & lift. Once everything was ok I then went in & had reconstructive surgery in 2008. Everything went fine & I go for my next check-up next year. I go for my mammogram every year. So far I'm all clear. It came as a shock to me & my family especially when I had just lost my dad but they were there for me to help me through it & I did come through it. I said right at the beginning it wasn't going to beat me. I survived & other women can to.

hyde cheshire, United Kingdom

My mom's a 51 year survivor

At the age of 32 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a radical mastectomy and spent months doing physical therapy to regain the use of her arm. There was no chemotherapy or radiation; only a painful, disfiguring surgery. A surgery that saved her life, gave her 53 years of marriage to the love of her life, the opportunity to raise her 9 year old daughter and experience the joy of becoming a grandmother.

At 83 years old she is a survivor! She still talks about the cure she hopes will happen before others have to endure this dreaded disease.

Bless all of you who are fighting the fight and those committed to finding a cure!

San Bruno, CA

Believe in yourself

2007, was not a great year. I have always done self exams, my aunt had stage 3 breast cancer.I had my regular mamogram in April .(normal). June I found a lump, I thought I was mistaken, went on vacation wth it on the back of my mind. End of August I was finally at the Dr.'s office told them found something and to see if she could find it. They did! On my 44 birthday I was diagnoised with breast cancer. That led to double mastecomy and reconstruction, many, many (7) surgeries from complicatons, I also have scleroderma, and a blood disorder that I take coumadin for. As of now I am Still Cancer Free!!!! I plan on staying that way. If you learn anything from this, Please Do Self Exams

Janet K
Rochester, NY

my journey

i had just came back from oregon ,my father had passed from lung cancer in march 2007 and i was diagonosed in may 2007 i had a feeling i had cancer but the doctor confirm it. it was hard to tell my family and upsetting but we all got through it and my sister was one that help me so much she came to help me when i was going through chemo ,my husband was there but had to leave out of state for a job we were in a finacial problems, it was a hard knot, and a rash there, ,i remember the needle biopsy that was so painful have never for got that my body hurt for a along time even after my treatments, stage11a i had a lumbectomy after 4 weeks started my treatments of chemo,radiation and herceptin i was her2 positive iam a 2 year survivor i feel really good,now ,i pray there will find a cure one day ,iam thankful for all the women and my doctors i have met through this journey

garner, NC

Not my time

I was 39 and only performing self exams because the news
reporter for the chanel 12 news in Jacksonville, Florida started
a buddy check 12 awareness campaign. My friend Pam would
call me or I her on the 12th of every month.

Is that really a lump I feel? I couldn't believe it would happen to me
so I did nothing. I figured I'd wait to see if it changed. During my 3rd
exam after the discovery it changed. A mamogram showed a suspicious
lump. After a biopsy, mastectomy and chemotherapy I am still cancer free. That was nine years ago this January 2010. I am truly blessed.

Patricia Steward

Patricia Steward
Chicagoland, IL

19 Years and Counting

19 Years and Counting

I am a 19 year survivor and I just want to let everyone know that you should never give up! I was diagnosed at age 29 with no family history. It was a shock, but I decided right then I would not let cancer change my life any more than absolutely nescessary. I had two beautiful girls, and on my daughter's first birthday I found another lump. Another mastectomy and 6 months of chemotherapy and I still wasn't going to let it change my life!

I couldn't have made it through without my wonderful husband who let me know that he loved me no matter what I looked like. If he could love me with no hair and no breasts, I know he will always be there.

My girls are now 23 and 20 and one is getting married this year. They know to be vigilant about self-exams and getting checked by the doctor, but my hope is that they never have to go through this. I pray for a cure soon.

Keep a positive attitude and fight like a girl!

Lexington, OH

A Tribute To My Aunt

My aunt Brenda was a breast cancer survivor.She had a mastectomy to remove a breast and chose not to reconstruct it.She was a beautiful fun loving sole .She died two years ago of a blood clot behind her eye.We miss and love you very much

Glen, MS

MY Lovely wife Dawn

diag with breast cancer 1995, today Oct 5th would have been here 48 Birthday, she went home to the Lord on Oct 14m 2000, always loved and deeply missed by Myself and all the children, we had 6 kids between us, Dawn was a true fighter and even had a Stem Cell transplant at the U> of Michigan Medical Center and I thank God for that as it gave us two more wonderful years together, So on this special day for here I am puting this story in your page, I will dedicate this to Shane, Stacey, Cortney Dagner,
Chrism Eric Guy, and Doug Moors,children remarkable Dawn put up a downhill fight for 5 years, and on Oct 14th 2 days after the Christie Guy; birthday Oct 12, and 2 days beforeCortney Dagner, birthday Oct 16, both Daughters to a very wonderful woman, she lost her battle and went home to the Lord, God Bless her we love and miss her dearly, Happy Birthday Honey, Love Always

Brock D. Dagner

Brock Dagner
Gaylord, MI

I'm a 14 year survior!!

I'm a 14 year breast cancer survior. In 1994 I had a lumpectomy (sp) and went thur chemo & radiation. I did ok with it all. I am about to celebrate my 60th birthday this month, and proud to be able to do it!!
MY sister had ovarian cancer in 1990, stage 4 when diagnosed, and she passed away in feb of 1992. She was only 46 yrs old.
My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1993, & I am blessed to say she is still living,, doing great and she is 84 yrs old!!
I have a 32 yr old who found out in June of this year 2009, that she has breast cancer, and after having the mamo,, went for genitic testing to find out she carries the gene for both types of cancer. She had surgery, and found out that she has stage 3 breast cancer, this comes after having cervical cancer in 2005! She has 2 girls, and i hope that we can have test done by the time they get to be 18 or so,, so they don't have to go thur any of this.
In 2005, my best firend of 50 years was diagnosed with breast cancer, and is doing well,, now,,, She went thur a few rough years, but she is a survior now!!
There's lots of hope out there, and you just never know when or where you might find the help, it comes when we least expect it, which is when we need it most!! And it comes from women, and men that are even realted to us! That's the best part, people helping people!!

june singer
thonotosassa, FL