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Everything happens for a Reason ...

There is nothing very special about my story, just the fact that I am a SURVIVOR of this awful disease.

I am an everyday kind of person, with a partner, a son, a loving family and caring friends.

You don't need to be famous to be struck by Breast Cancer ~ it's not fussy who it targets. My son was only 3 when I was diagnosed and I had everything to live for ... 7 years on and I still have everything to live for ... every day is precious!

I'm a true believer in the saying ~ Everything happens for a Reason ~ and I believe that by going through this experience has made me a stronger person and has given me a different perspective on LIFE.

Like I said, there is nothing special about my story, but I feel special to have survived.

Sharon Wilson
Melbourne, Australia

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

I volunteered to work an overnight shift for a co-worker, who was going into labor, at a womens home. I had not worked an overnight in quite some time so luckily for me it was difficult to sleep that night, because a man with an armed weapon had tried to break in. First through the window then kicking the door in. While trying to save 4 womens lives I had severly injured my shoulder and ribs. After having an MRI done on my chest and shoulder, the doctors were alarmed by what like had found in my breast tissue. After much follow up I was diagnosed with Stage 2, ER+, node negative, breast cancer. After undergoing 3 procedures under the knife, hormone therapy, and now chemotherapy, i would have never guess at 23 I would be in this situation. I constantly thank God, that I was able to catch this early, but am quickly reminded of how this was brought to my attention. I'm such a strong believer in divine intervention along with early detection!

Raquel Maxfield
St. Peter, MN

Just Diagnosed

Just Diagnosed

Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the right breast. Surgery won't be until April 20 which seems a life time away. I believe in God and I believe things happen for a reason. I just haven't figured this one out yet. My mom had colon cancer in 2001 and survived. Then 2005 she was diagnosed with breast and stomach cancer. We lost her on January 26, 2006. There's been many medical problems in my family. I lost my sister and best friend September 13, 2009 (not to cancer) and my dad September 20, 2009 (not to cancer). And now here I am facing the fear of cancer. I pray every day for faith. I pray for strength, hope, and wisdom. I pray for courage. I pray to live.

I also have an illness called myasthenia gravis. It's similar to MS. Stress makes the systems worse.

If anyone knows of any grants that can help me financially please let me know. I'm on SSI and am barely making it and now with this...well I guess it could be worse.

Linda Moore
Burgaw, NC

An addition to a story I had already submitted

as I said in my story I submitted my family consisted of three brothers,
nine nieces and nephews I also have two sister-in-laws one of whom was
there when I had my breast cancer surgery 13 years ago on that day my
youngest brother tooks off from his job to be there for me and my
parents when I had my surgery his wife whom is one of my two sister-
in-laws was also there, I have also found recently that my youngest brothers middle daughter is expecting twins she is due in October so
that will make me a great Aunt again.

Merryville, LA

15 Years and Still Going Strong

In July 1995, I was diagnosed with an infiltrating, intraductile adenocarcinoma of the left breast. I had a lumpectomy/partial mastectomy, chemo and 35 radiation treatments. I had a wonderful surgeon and phenomenal oncologist. I just had my semi-annual follow -up and the exam was perfect. Just have to get my mammo. If you are faced with this disease, please speak with your oncologist about anti-nausea medications. They do help. I was blessed in having had no side effects from what I called my "cocktail." I praise and thank God for my continued well being. I thank my doctors for their wonderful care. To those of you going through this now, hang tough. If you are religious, keep in touch with God. He will bring you through.

Judy Kallmeyer
Yonkers, NY

breast cancer

i had breast cancer,had two operation went thur 6 section of chemo just finishes my last chemo on tues the 30 now i am going to go thur 6 weeks of radition. i got every lucky my was only stage two. i pray for all who get cancer because it suck. love to all toni

oceanside, CA

Breast Cancer Survivor

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 1993 after a mammogram showed that a lump that I had had for at least 3 years had turned suspicious. A lumpectomy followed by chemo and radiation left me cancer free. In 2004 I discovered a lump under that breast which turned out to be a Sarcoma caused by the radiation during treatment. It was removed but grew back in 2006 and was removed again this time for good. (Just an aside but while I was waiting for surgery for the Sarcoma I discovered I had Rectal Cancer---Cancer free now)
A Mammogram saved my life but please also check for lumps under your breast which do not show up on the Mammograms.

Bonnie M
Calgary, Canada

From a 13-Year Survivor

Thirteen years ago, I had a routine mamagram, and when the technicion kept coming back to take a few more X-rays, I suspected that there was a problem. There was. I had a carcinoma in my right breast, which was too small to feel in a manual breast exam. A lumpectomy and six weeks of radiation has left me cancer free ever since.
There may be controversy over mamagrams, but this one saved my breast and possibly my life. I urge all women to have their routine mamagrams.

Augusta, ME


I am a 5 year survivor of Head & Neck Cancer that went through a really rough time with Chemo as well as Radiation and a strong advocate and supporter of all Cancers. My oldest sister is a Breast Cancer Survivor as well as several other very dear close friends. I click daily, without hesitation, to try and help those that may not be able to get a mammogram and to possibly save the life of another friend or relative!

Jeff Hendrickson
Gordon, TX

My Mother

My Mother

My mom is my hero. She is the most amazing and strong willed person I will ever meet in my lifetime. The hardships we faced all the battles we conquered with her finding out she had breast cancer brought a family together. I love my mom more than anything in this world and because her strength to live, I have the strength to take on the world. My mom is beautiful no matter what inside and out and no cancer can ever take that beauty away from her and if I could give her one thing it'd be for her to never feel pain. My mom is a breast cancer survivor. My mom is my strength.

Taylor Buelna
Corona, CA