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My Best Friend

My Best Friend

LeBeth Carr was my best friend, my sister from another mother, she was one of the best people I have ever met. She loved without abandon. She carried the breast cancer genes and was in her early thirties when the lump was found by self testing and cancer was first diagnosed. She fought with the heart of a warrior and beat it (even though it took the doctors and the insurance system in Fort Lauderdale months to do the mastectomy and begin treatment), double mastectomy, lymph nodes, chemo and came back three years later with a vengeance and she passed away in her late thirties. This is the custom one of kind tattoo I had done weeks before she passed.... she loved butterflies. The text is her signature. Everyday that I'm out in public someone comments on the tattoo and I have to opportunity to beg them to do self checks and to petition their insurance companies and senators to make genetic testing and prophalactic measures covered by all insurance. It is sad that we live in one of the most technologically advanced financial powershoused nations in the world and women like LeBeth can't afford to have the genetic testing or imaging done nor pay for prophalactic measures. Would it have saved her if they would've come off BEFORE the mass developed? We'll never know. My goal is to see that no woman, anywhere, ever has to go without these life saving measures. I miss her so much, she was a beautiful soul.

Jennifer Williams
Oskaloosa, IA

So This Is Breast Cancer...

So This Is Breast Cancer...

In February 2009, I began to notice my left nipple would sink in and rise while the right would not. It felt softer than the right. I would see this while showering. There was also some dimpling on the areola. The symptoms went away for a while and I kind of put it in the back of my mind. I had my yearly exam in March and my doctor did not find anything. I made my mammogram appointment for April 8 and on April 10 I received a letter stating I needed to have a '"special" mammogram and ultrasound. At this point I had no doubt in my mind: I had Breast Cancer. I had the tests on April 20. The ultrasound detected a second mass. It was an agonizing week before I heard from my doctor telling me that the masses look suspicious. During this time I experienced pain and swelling in the area of the tumors. I had a lumpectomy on May 6 and was told I had cancer on May 12.
I began Brachytherapy June 3, Chemotherapy June 29 and external radiation November 9.
It has been a tough year, both physically and emotionally, but I just got my results from this year's Mammogram and I am happy to say they found No Evidence of Disease!

Edna Masters
Phoenix, AZ

I was only 30 and everyone said I was too young

When I was finally diagnosed after months of doctors visits I didn't know whether to be relieved or scared to death. I had been treated for everything from a rash to a clogged milk duct as I had recently given birth and I finally convinced my Ob/Gyn to send me for a mammogram - everyone said I was too young and had no family history - there was nothing to worry about. I knew as soon as the radiology tech said they wanted to take a few more images that my fears were correct - by the time I returned to my office my primary care doctor and Ob/Gyn were waiting on the line for me to start scheduling tests and biopsies. I remember those first few days reading everything I could get my hands on regarding breast cancer, it's treatments and life afterward. I had a 2 year old and a 8 month old and was going through a divorce. Everything seemed to be happening at once and I was certain it would never be all right again - But with the help of some amazing doctors and family I was able to get through the next 18 months of surgeries, treatments, hospitalizations and get my life back. It's now almost 8 years later and I'm cancer free and feel better than I ever have.

No one is ever too young - trust yourself and trust your instincts. Push for what you believe and if someone doesn't listen tell someone else. It saved my life and could save yours too.

appomattox, VA

am i gonna die...

when i first found out i had breast cancer, i found a lump which usally went away but for some reason it didnt this time and now i know why i went to the clinic in my town, yes there was a lump as big as a half dollar.i went for a mamogram and then they sent me for a biopsy and i waited for the results and when they called and said it was possitve for cancer i felt the blood run from my face and i started to cry, am i gonna die was all i could think of for the next year and a half. but i met the best nurses navagater for cancer paitients her name is betsy rice she held my hand through every test and helped me to believe that i was gonna live. i had the chemo first to see if they could srink the lump , but that didnt work so they removed the lump, only to find more so the next step was to remove the whole breast was i scared yes but i belived in my doctor and my surgent and mostly my friend besty,i went for the appointment to remove one breast but went home and thought about how it would be to have only one breastonly to have to come back in a year to remove the other. so i called my doctor and told her that i changed my mind i want both removed and on july 09 i had them both removed after that i healed and went to radiation for 6 weeks and on sept.23rd i was cancer free how i survived every day was becuz of my gran children and my kids, and im gonna live to see my 7 gran kids grow up.

donnajean contreras
bridgeport, CT

Love and Hope when I thought there wasn't any!!!

God has walked me throuh the last 2.5 years with so many people at my Church and my family. This begins in June 2008 I found the first small lump every thing was good. Then in Feb 2009 a larger lump was found this time. you know what I was worried about not having any pretty P J's to wear when they did the left mastectomy. The Lord had already given me peace about the Cancer. So I prayed and ask the Lord to provide and have HIS will in all that was to come.

Well the Tues before surgery the Ladies of my Church gave me a surprise Mastectomy Party. And i received all the love and support that has gotten me through. And all the P J's and 2 robes that I could use for my hospital stay. i never asked or mentioned to anyone my prayers or concerns. But, they were and have been answered when necessary.

I had to quit my job because of the surgeries, no income for 6+ months and still when it came time to do Chemo and it was 1 hour away with no money it was paid for by the ladies of our chruch and my daughter / son-inl-aw. GOD gave me the people I needed. Then throughout the 36 radiation treatments the men of our church provided gas money each week. Thank God for these faithful men and their prayers.

The most important thing to take away is we all need family and friends sometime in our lives in a crisis, sickness, or death of a loved one. I can't imagine going through this without my mother, 92 yrs old, daughter and; 3 grandchildren, brothers, sisters, and the multitude of church family and friends.
GOD BLESS them ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!

Rebecca L
Okmulgee, OK

living with breast cancer

My name is Addie jeannette Simmons. I have been living with breast cancer since 2008. I finish my cemo. now i am doing radation that is for my left breast when i finish with that than i am going to have a masctomy on the right breast. I had a masctomy on my left breast in dec. 2009.
it is very hard living on a limited income. I dont worry about the cancer its like its the less of my worries because i had to worry about how I am going to live everyday. when i dont think anyone should have to go thought this and have yo worrry about everything else instead of there health. I always thought that your health should come frist. But right now I dont no. ITS A CRY OUT FOR HELP. but i cant same to get any. Right now i just fill like giving up. because i just dont know what to do.I am dealing with all by myself. and it gets very hard too live day to day. I AM SORRY i do not have a picture.

Addie jeannette Simmons
Tallahassee, FL

my family are haunted by cancer

my mom,sister,and myself had breast cancer, my one brother had thyroid cancer,my other brother had skin cancer, my other sister had overian cancer, my son had bladder cancer.
we are all here to tell the tale,
we do a lot of functions to donate to cancer hospitals where we have had our treatments,

worcestershire, United Kingdom

My best friend

My mom, wow she was a strong women. I didnt know why she died, or why she was so sick until i was older. My family didnt know the right way to approach me and my younger sister about her. When i heard she had had breast cancer, i just was in utter shock. My mom, was so sick and I never knew, and there was no way i could have made her feel better. Its not until i look back and try and remember our last moments, I remember seeing in her eyes she was giving up and she was saying goodbye. I learned that she lived 2 years longer than expected and I can remember the day she came home after her surgery and showed me where she had her breast removed and then, I still couldn't understand. I was only 7 but when she died, I was 9 1/2. She died April 9, 2001. I wish I had a picture of her but she wasnt one to take pictures. Ever since, I have told people about her and I have wanted to do something more, I am only 18 and I plan on spreading her story. I remember everyday that she was strong and I have it in me to make it through everyday. I may not have cancer but I still hurt everyday because i don't have my mom, my best friend. I don't want sympathy, I just want people to know who she was, Maury Sutliff, a woman who fought cancer as long as she could for her daughters. I am cheerleader for every woman who is goin through the fight.

Susan Kozak
Jacksonville, FL

I' here

Everything started with a lump i found on my rigth breast last may.I went to my doctor who she send me for more test and send me to the oncologist he did more test and told me Ana you have breast cancer,he put all this plans together for me to start chimo.The hard part was to tell my family I'm a mother of 3,and i'm the youngest one of 5.I got home i call my husband in california(he works in califonia)and told him about it,i call the oldest of my brothers and told him 'i have breast cancer' he was worried but he said to me everything will be ok ,after that i got a call from everybody,my family and friends,i told my kids they were surprise but after that everything was ok.I'm done with chimo,surgery and now i''m getting radiation i'll be done next month(may 2010) But i'm ready,i feel great,and i thank my doctors because they been great,my family and friends i couldn't done it without them.I tell everybody how important is to have mammograms and self examination.I lost my grandmother and two aunts to breast cancer and i lost a brother to leukemia so i wasn't surprise,now i keep an eye on my daughter because she can get it too,her grandmother had breast cancer But she now knows how important is to be checked.But my doctors told her to do self examination because she is only 20 mammograms are not recomended for her."i'm alive and is great"thank you to let me tell my story.

Ana Connett
bartlesville, OK

Bike4BreastCancer's Cycling Events Provide Grassroots Support

Bike4BreastCancer's Cycling Events Provide Grassroots Support

Three years ago, my Niece died of cancer that had spread through most of her body. She was in the Army and 24. Two years ago my wife's Niece died after a second round of chemo and a double mastectomy. We found out then that her father, my wife's brother carried the "gene". He died last year from esophageal cancer.
I retired and became involved with a local grassroots organization called Bike4BreastCancer, Inc. I've since been appointed President of an all volunteer organization using cycling events to raise funds.
June 20th, I'll do an ME-MD fund raiser ride from Bar Harbor, Maine to Bel Air, Maryland. Mr. Tim Leeper from Michigan just finished his cross country ride March 2nd riding from the Pacific in L.A. to the Atlantic in Jacksonville to raise more than $10,000 for Bike4BreastCancer.
Our founder, Kathy Betz, initiated this charity 10 years ago riding from Maryland to California.
Our main source of funds come from Pink Ribbon rides though. We currently have them scheduled in Northern Michigan and Detroit, Maryland, and soon North Carolina.
I'm in the photo with my wife, stepdaughter and granddaughter supporting our 2009 Maryland Pink Ribbon Ride.

Visit our web site, Facebook pages, and local events on

God Bless everyone who tries to help!

Bob Buchanan
Bel Air, MD