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My mother is an inspiration to all

My mother is an inspiration to all

My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 94. She had already survived bladder cancer, a heart attack, triple-bypass surgery and is on her third pacemaker. She never ceases to amaze me and anyone else around her. She still lives on her own, and volunteers at 2 local charities. She is sharp as a tack and has a fabulous sense of humor. When she was diagnosed around Christmas this last year, her doctor told her she needed a mastectomy. She had the procedure and then came to stay with us until she felt better. The first morning after her surgery, my husband peeked in at her to see how she was doing. She was awake and she told him she had just been thinking....this mastectomy might really help her golf swing. If it had been me in that bed, you would have heard my whining in the next county! My Mom is truly a special person and I am so lucky to have her in my life. She demonstates quite wonderfully that it's all about the attitude.

Eileen La Chance
Beaverton, OR

I will survive.

I will survive.

I'm what you call a Previvor - I have the BRCA2 mutation and will be undergoing a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy on May 28, 2010.

I've lost my grandmother (54), my aunt (44) and my cousin (35) to Breast Cancer. I don't want to lose any more, much less myself.

At 34, I'm taking the necessary steps to make sure I will always be there for my son.

Stay strong and know you are not alone in your battle. As I tell everyone that hears my story....I just keep making lemonade.

Lake Zurich, IL

My parents and I

In Oct. 2004 my father found a lump by one of his nipples and had it check out it was breast cancer. I had found out two weeks before that I was preganat with my second child, he had a masecyomy on that side and was fine no chemo just tomoxophine and check ups form the drs. We thought it was behind us till 2 weeks before my due date another blow my mom found out also she had breast cancer. They caught it early so again no chemo she was doing good. Then their oncoligist wanted to check my dad for the cancer gene, after doing a family history we found out we had lost a lot of cousins to breast and ovarian cancer. It came back he had the BRAC II gene. I found out later I also have the gene so in Feb.2007 I had a double masectomy (after they found a lump in my left side that was a calciafication) I had implants surgery in May of 07 then 2 weeks after that surgery I got pregant with our third child which I was told due to other health issues I wouldn't be able to have anymore. he was born 13 mths after my first surgery, it has been a long hard road with bills and dealing with it all. I only regret my surgery for the financial burden it has put on us but I did it so I could be here with my husband I love and to see our children grow. They are still more surgeries I must indure,but I will do what I can to stay here with my husband and children.

Colleen Miller
Anderson, IN

My Mother my hero!

My Mother my hero!

On December 10th 2009 we received the news that my mother's biopsy was positive. She was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer. On January 11th she underwent a mastectomy and received 4 rounds of chemo. They were the worst months of our lives, my mother is everything to us, she has been our mother and father. She has been through so many things in her life but always keeps her head up high. When we were falling apart she always managed to put a smile on our faces. She's my hero and I admire her strength and courage, because even though she was scared to death she went through her treatment like a true warrior. Every person who is going through this or has gone through this are true hero's and I truly admire there strength, may God bless you all.

Denice Preciado
Naranjito, PR

my Cancer but Mum and Dad are heroes

I was diagnosed in April 2002. Mastectomy and Chemo for 6 months.
Further breast surgery in 2003 found another benign tumor.
My parents, in their 70s, live 150 miles away but every 3 weeks they drove here to take me for chemo. They looked after my husband and made sure my cupboards and freezer were stocked till their next visit.
I did not feel well with the chemo so having meals prepared was a great blessing.
My parents are wonderful people and Mum was with me the whole way.
How can you ever repay that debt except by returning the love all the rest of your days.

Arbroath, United Kingdom

My Lovely Sister!

I can not say enough about early detection! One year ago my sister went for her annual mammogram! A "spot" showed up and further tests were done.
She did have cancer and it was so small that it was still in the duct of her breast tissue. After a lumpectomy and radiation treatments...she is now one year cancer free!!!

Ladies...please please go for your mammograms! Early detection is the key!

Sioux Falls, SD

My mother and me

My mother was 65 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy and radiation. I was 56 when I was diagnosed and had a lumpectomy and radiation. I am 65 now and my mother will be 99!!

The difference between the treatments from her time to mine are so improved that I was not too scared to go through what I had to. I also had a very supportive husband, who has since passed away who went to every single appointment with me from the beginning diagnoses to the last day of radiation. Family loves us no matter how we look, as long as we are well.

Reseda, CA

My Mom, My Hero

Jan. 2007 I was diagnosed with 3rd stage breast cancer. At age 45, having mamograms since age 18, a registered nurse, and single, I never expected I would need caregivers. Knowing what I do, how could it be that advanced, My family and I were devastated with the diagnosis. For the next 10 months my family ralied around me. Chemo, mastectomy, radiation. Mom pretty much stayed with me for the entire time. Making the 11 hr trip back to TN. every few weeks to take care of business. Sept. 2010 will be my 3rd birthday. My family calls me their hero, they are my heroes. I wouldn't have survived without them. I am blessed to have all of you. Thankyou Mom, I love you. Tawni, Gaines Michigan

Tawni Smith
Gaines, MI

Susan Dove-Owen

Susan Dove-Owen

The day after my mom's 50th birthday, March 15, 2010 My mom went for a mamorgram,they told her they found a mass. She went for a biopsy and they told her she has stage 2 breast cancer. We all are shocked and devastated I really don't know what to do or say. She means the world to this family she 's our glue.
My mom has been through alot of hard times in her life but she has always prevailed. She is a fighter and I know with the love and support of her family and friends she WILL get through this!!!!!
We love you so much mom xoxoxo
Shannon& Clint, Melissa,Grant, Tyra& Shelby ,Jimmy&Selena

Shannon Jantunen
Thunder Bay, Canada

My Sister & My Mom

My sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer 2 months ago. She is more than 1/2 way through her intial chemo treatment. She goes every Monday for three weeks, and then has 1 week off, for 3 months. We have 4 weeks of treatment left. I believe in the power of prayer, and I know she will be healed. In fact, I believe she already has been!

She has two adopted daughers, one is 11, and the other is 2-1/2. The youngest just joined our family a year ago, and is not official for another 60 days or so. My sister needs lots of assistance during this time.

Our Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer 10 years ago almost to the day my sister began her chemo. The last 6 months of my Mother's life I cared for her and helped he see the beauty in this world, and make her comfortable until she had to leave it. I am doing the same for my sister.

I just became a Mother myself, as my son turned 1, two weeks ago yesterday. It is the most difficult job in the world, but the most rewarding!

As I sit here typing this, I am sick with Sinusitis and a bad cold with Post Nasal Drip. I have no voice, but wanted to have a voice here to show my appreciation to all the women out there!

I have read the tributes and such here of others. They are touching and real. I think this is a horrible disease, but it also brings out the best in everyone afflicted and touched by it. I am amazed how our human spirit shines through even the darkest dawn. It helps me keep on fighting!

God Bless You All!..Thank You!...and Happy Mother's Day!

Bo Freeman
Via Verde, CA