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My mom died at age 43, never saw her kids grow up, never saw her grand children. In '97 I was tested positive on BRCA-2 and had my breast preventavly removed. I had 4 children and didn't want to take any chance. My daughter was also tested positive (at 17) and had her surgery last July. In 2008 we had a terrible accident that cost the life of my youngest, her 'baby'-brother, Syhe has 2 kids of her own. Because we have been through so much together and have such a strong bond, we decided to have the Pink Ribbon tattooed behind our ear. As an homage to my mother, her grandmother, my friends that fought cancer (whether they won or not) and all the victims in general. And to the life events that 'tied' us forever!

Charley Kuijpers
Almere, Netherlands

My Mom

My Mom

My mom is the reason I "click pink!" She's the one on the left with one of my sons and myself. I'll never forget when she found a lump in her breast. I was only 14 years old at the time and had no clue as to what was wrong. The day she had her surgery, my sister & I arrived home from school, and my dad sat us down to tell us she had breast cancer and a masectomy. She was very fortunate not to have to take chemo, but I do remember her suffering so from the pain of the surgery and the tubes that were attached. I'm very happy and proud to say she has been cancer free ever since May of 1978!! My sister graduated from high school just a couple of weeks after her going through the surgery, which she was determined to attend....and DID!!! I'm proud to say that she is doing great, is a true fighter and a SURVIVOR!! I love you Mom!!

Green Cove Springs, FL

My Best Friend of 26 Years

You haven't left enough room on this page for me to fill you in on what an amazing Friend Vicky Odell was ...26 years with her was not long enough...I miss her so much ! Watching her go through Cancer was the hardest thing I had ever done in my watch someone deteriorate ..they gave her 2 years...she lasted 5 months ....The worst time I had controlling my emotions with her was when My Daughter was seeing her for the 1st time since she had gotten really sick..I had been outside talking to her Sons getting the update and My Daughter walked in without was a few min and I walked in the room...Everyone was in there and her Daughter was putting her in her Chair...My daughter turned to look for me with tears welling up and then Vicky heard my voice and looked for me...when I got close enough to hug her...she had the BIGGEST TEARS in her Eyes I had ever seen...she was so scared it was the 1st time I cried with her ...What I can tell you about her as a person...She was an amazing Mom.Wife.Sister and Friend she was always happy and never was greedy she would do anything for anyone anytime! she worked hard and was always grateful for what she had...she loved her kids more then life and when the grandkids began again!!! she loved Family and what it stood for...I miss my best friend!

Julie Sislin



Alice McDonnell
Monroe, NY

Challenging choices.

Memories. Cancer took my mother 8 years ago, when I was only 22. I refused to learn more about it since it was an ugly disease everybody to run away when they were only hearing about it. It left me in pain and full of sorrows because I could not understand then how to help my mother defeat it.

Undesired news. At 25 a cold winter came into my life with an awful diagnostic. A cist of 2 cm was only the beginning to a new challenging life. It was almost Christmas when my doctor handled me a yellow paper where below my name the 'stage 2 breast cancer' words were lying with no sense for my understanding.

The bet. There are stages in the way you act when you are scared to death. First you deny it. Then you are looking for answers. Then you feel angry with everyone around you. Then you have to decide if you will let the battle win or you will win the battle. My choice was to fight it.

Difficult times. Cancer is not easy. It can make you become a bad or a good person. Depends how strong you are. For 8 months I had chemotherapy, a second surgery with lymph nodes removal, radiotherapy, daily visits to the hospital... handling my hair loss, my work, my every day tears and scare. My choice was to keep on being a good person and hope to live.

Live BIG. Is not easy, I know. Believe me - time is flying and if you point it in the future there are chances to make it. You just have to trust yourself, keep on smiling, hoping and living. Do everything you like to do, enjoy every day even more and keep fighting! :)

Ilona, now a 5 years survivor!
Bucharest, Romania

My Story

At the age of 33 i found out i had breast cancer. I went though the chimoterapy
and radiation also had a lump removed from my breast. I was told it was a agresive type of cancer coming out in one month. As of today it has been 13 years cancer free and my life is good. I wish my best to all survivor of breast cancer.

tillsonburg, Canada

I click for my Grandmother

I click for my Grandmother

I clicked for my Grandma Rose. She is 85yrs old and has Breast Cancer. We find out October 2009 that she has Breast cancer and it has spread to her brain and bones. She is still sharper than a tak when it comes to a lot of things. She is a strong woman and has taught me to never give up no matter what the fight is. I take after her in many ways and I will forever be grateful for her teaching me how to be as strong as she is. I really hope they find a cure for Breast Cancer soon so this world doesn't lose another Great woman or man.

Melrose Park, IL

My Story

At the age of 33 i found out i had breast cancer. I went though the chimothapy and radision also had a lump removed from my breast. I was told it was a agresave type of cancer coming out in one month. As of today it has been 13 years cancer free and my life is good. I wish my best to all surviours of breast cancer.

tillsonburg, Canada


I am a 24 year breast cancer survivor and my life has been full of good things like my husband, children and grandchildren. Also my friends have been for me over the last 24 years. And I want to thank my family for being there for me too.

Hazel Thomas Smith
Yulee, FL


In mid March 1988, I was living my dream job, serving my country in the United States Army.

In March 1988, while stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. I got sick and was in the hospital for almost a month, when I found a lump in my right breast. Within a couple of days I had the lump removed and told everything was fine and I bought it. A week later I got a call from the doctor informing me that I have breast cancer. At that moment I felt my whole world shut down, with no one to talk to and no where to go. Within a couple of weeks I had my right breast removed, after that my other breast was removed. I felt lower than a earth worm. I had no where to go, so I called on the LORD and he heard my cry and answered my prayers. I am still here and working in the "VINEYARD", doing GOD'S work, and loving every bit of it. I promised the LORD if he would HEAL me I would serve HIM for the rest of my life. It has not been easy, 22 years later, STILL HERE....HALLELUJAH....AMEN

Tyra Dalton-Hinton
Eden, NC