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THIS WILL NOT WIN because God's got this one!!

THIS WILL NOT WIN because God's got this one!!

I have always loved to travel, but in November 2013 I began a journey I never want any woman to ever take. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Growing up the daughter of a breast cancer survivor I knew the importance of self check and mammograms. I had found lumps before and they always turned out to be cyst. So this one would not be any different.
The evening after the mammogram the doctor called to tell me the results...."consistent with malignancy." My first words to her was "If this is cancer it will not win. I have too many things to do." For some reason I never entertained the idea that I would die. I looked at this as a large bump in the road of life and believed that God had a greater plan for me and therefore this WOULD NOT WIN.
Then began the many trips to the doctors, surgeons, and oncologist. Again I was tested with the excruciating pain of biopsies, positive cells in both breast and convincing the doctors that I had already decided on a double mastectomy. I knew in my heart that I was going to beat this and I did not want to have to EVER worry with this again. Through all of this I kept the faith that I would win this fight.
The day of the surgery as the doctor was explaining everything to me and my husband my only question was "How soon can I go back to work?" Her response was "We will have to see what other treatments will be needed" I again said "Yes I understand that, but how soon can I go back to work?" She looked at me as though I had lost my mind. I looked deep into her eyes and said "You need to understand, this will not win because God's got this one." She smiled and said, "I believe you're right, you should be able to go back in 8 weeks"
My determination, the love and support of my family and my belief in God helped me win!!!

Pam Johnson
Galax, VA

My cancer tale

My cancer tale

On December 1, 2014 at my 6 week post partum checkup I mentioned a lump to my Dr. Being pregnant I had felt what I thought was a cyst, being 31, pregnant and not having a family history of breast cancer, I didn't "freak out." Everything changes when you're pregnant. The next day I had a sonogram, a 3d mammogram and a needle biopsy. On December 3, 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma. I literally cried for 2 days straight. All bad thoughts raced through my head, especially one where I saw my baby growing up without me. My husband and I jumped into action, delivering my pathology slides to different hospitals, constantly on the phone coordinating appointments, picking up my MRI pictures and dropping them off where they needed to be etc. The worst part was missing out on time with my daughter, thank goodness I have the best sister in the world. On December 22, 2014 I went in for a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Even though I tested negative for the BRCA gene and there is no family history, I never want to go through this again, I need to be here to raise my daughter. I'm not sure what my treatment plan is yet, I was ER + PR + and HER2 negative. I'm taking my recovery from my surgery one day at a time and enjoying every minute I get with my daughter. I'm so thankful to have her, my wonderful husband, a very supportive family and friends in my corner. Many prayers and positive thoughts have come my way and each and every one has meant the world to me.

Rachel Seaman
Riverhead, NY

I survivied

I guess now I am ready to tell my story. I survived a bad marriage where I was beaten at least once a week. I survived being beaten while pregnant and loosing my baby. I survived having my kids stolen from me by the angry husband. I survived finding my kids and starting a relationship again. I survived a wonderful 25 year second marriage. I survived cancer, not once but three times. The last time fighting breast cancer while my wonderful husband was fighting his fight with cancer for the fourth time. I survived caring for my husband through his last struggles with cancer. I survived the lost of my husband. I survived moving to another state, closing my loving house I shared with my husband. I survived starting a new job and a new life. I now believe I am a survivor, I survived.

Lin Christoforo
Henderson, NV

Stage four Metastatic Breast cancer survivor for 15 years.

My name is Lora Sarpy, 60 years old. I have benn in remission for two years thanks be to the glory of god.I had a tomber the size of a quarter on my lungs.the doctor could not remove it, or I would have bled to I was given a study drug to see if it would shrink. it did shrink to the size of a dime in six months. after six more months it was gone. the doctor sayed I had just had six months to a year to live ,of November 29 the grace of god Iam still hear. the doctor recas of nowommended no need for chemotherapy or radiation, because [ only had three tosix months , may be a year to live. and at stage four it would not work.nothing but a miracle. as of now I am still on the drug tamoxifen I was only to be on it for five years, but since it has ben working I have ben on it for 15 years.some doctors were amazed that I have suived this long. I told him god is in control.before I was diagnosed I had a vision of an angel came down out of the sky and covered me with his wings,white as snow..and that vision came from Psalm 91, god says I will cover you with my feathers.Iam coverd by the blood of jesus. we are all covered by his blood I just thank god everday I wake up and see another dayso to those of you that are fighting cancer; there is hope and that hope ia jesus .remember everyday is a miracle. so stay with a positive attitude everyday. I hope my testimony will help somebody, as I pass along this way.thank you for given me this opportunity to help someone, and to keep on praying with out ceasing.your family church, family and your caregiver will keep you encouraged.


Lora Sarpy
Natchitoches, LA


My story began March 27, 2014. I received the phone call from my surgeon confirming I had Stage 3a breast cancer. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. My first thought was I'm not ready to go yet. My daughters and my year and a half grandson needed me and I had to fight for them. The lumpectomy was on April 7th. Chemo was next and I am so grateful for my youngest sister who was there to take notes and ask questions for me because I was so nervous and scared. May 7th was my first chemo session and that following weekend was Mother's day. I was so tired and sick I couldn't even enjoy it. My oldest sister was there for me every week for my chemo session. Im so very grateful for my beautiful family and friends prayers.I was able to do this until August and had to stop working until October. I went back to work and started my daily radiation treatments. After 28 days I was unable to continue work and treatments doctor took since my burns were so bad. I ended up in the ER for an infection. My thanksgiving was a little painful but I was still thankful. My scans came back clean this past Monday, December 15 and had my port removed the next day. I was very emotional for the next 2 days until I went back to work on Wednesday. I received a beautiful heart felt welcome at work. My family, friends and co-workers have been so supportive! God has healed me! My advice to anyone going thru this very difficult battle is to have faith in God and NEVER EVER give up! Looking back 9 months ago I was devastated and thought I was never gonna get thru this. I'm a SURVIVOR! This courageous fight is over and I feel so much stronger! The painful nights are a thing of the past and I truly believe that I am a better person for it. Thank you Lord for allowing me the wonderful gift of life!

Olivia Molina
El Paso, TX

My Fight

My Fight

I have always done self exams....faithfully get my mammograms yearly. This past March I had a mammogram scheduled for Friday...Friday morning I was showering and did another exam and found a lump in my right breast. Near the sternum...close to the chest wall. I have a history of cysts so I wasn't too worried. I mentioned it to them when I was getting the mammogram. Because of the location of the lump, they had a difficult time getting shots of it. Several mammograms and a compression mammogram. They did a biopsy on the spot. Two days later came the dreaded call....You have breast cancer. Me? No to be a mistake. Triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma. No history of cancer in my family. They also did the genetic tests for the gene...negative. Within minutes of that call I had planned my funeral, decided what I would tell my kids and grandchildren....what my husband of 43 years needed to do...all of that. Then another second later...I said...NO WAY!! I refuse to let this do me in, I am a tough redhead, I will fight harder than I ever have in my life. My lymph nodes were clear...another lump in my left breast was a cyst. I had 4 months of chemo, a lumpectomy and 30 rounds of radiation. Some surgical complications, but not too bad. The surrounding tissue tested all negative for any cancer cells. I feel blessed beyond measure. My kids, grandkids, and family were my strength. My hair is growing back, but I lost my natural red...a small price to pay for my life. Will my cancer come back? Only God knows that...but I have faith and the love of so many people to help me. Best advice I can give.....check yourself, know your own body, always be aware, it saved me.

Diane Baker
Ringgold, GA

Be your own advocate!

Be your own advocate!

Over five years ago, when I was 39 years old (single mother of two) I found a large lump. It seemed like it showed up overnight. I had a mammogram and ultrasound which were both negative. I was very uncomfortable with the results because the mass was so large and easily palpable. I followed up with a general surgeon. He watched the lump for a month or so and then ordered an MRI. It was a 5 cm ductal carcinoma. Because the tumor was large and was rapidly growing, my doctors recommended chemotherapy and radiation. Since I wanted breast conservation, I chose to have chemotherapy before surgery. As all survivors know, treatment was horrible but the alternative was worse. The chemotherapy worked (or so we thought), the tumor shrunk. A lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy followed with a minimal loss of breast tissue.

Radiation was next. During radiation I had a horrible feeling that something was wrong. I started getting lightheaded and dizzy so my oncologist ordered a brain MRI. The results were negative. During the next 6 months my symptoms worsened (migraines and aphasia). Since the chemotherapy had been so successful and my sentinel lymph node biopsy showed regressing tumor cells and the brain MRI was negative, my oncologist sent me back to my family doctor to talk about the migraines. We tried a couple of migraine medicines but nothing worked. My doctor ordered a CT scan. There it was, a 2 cm metastatic tumor. Brain surgery and radiation followed.

I share this story because I AM very lucky and blessed. I am still here! Over the past five years I have remarried to a wonderful man and his three daughters. I have enjoyed so much happiness with my family including reunions, weddings, graduations and the birth of a grand baby! Please never doubt yourself when it comes to your health. Don't ignore symptoms. Be your own advocate!!!!

Boise, ID

Hemophilia Was Not Enough

Hemophilia Was Not Enough

I got married in 1989 and had three kids with Hemophilia. On Thanksgiving of 2013 I felt a lump in my left breast, it was painful but I thought nothing of it. As days and weeks went by, I began feeling the lump more and more. It wasn't until January that I went to the doctor and got a mammogram. After my mammogram, I got a biopsy. On January 21 of 2014, I received a phone call that would change my life once again. I was on the shuttle from work when my phone rang. Once I answered, I knew something was wrong. Tears rushed down my face when I received the news that I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer, but a rare type of cancer called Angio Sarcoma that is not commonly found in the breast. My initial reaction was to keep the news to myself, get in my car and kill myself.
After an emotional moment to myself, I called my immediate family to share the news. I came home, hugged them and cried. I cried like it was my last day alive.
On February 11 2014, I underwent a lumpectomy. After the surgery, my oncologist recommended I get a double mastectomy. I discussed this with my husband and he advocated for it. On March 7 2014, I underwent the double mastectomy. The healing process was extremely hard and painful both physically and mentally. A month after the surgery, I went under the knife again and received a portacath. I did six rounds of chemotherapy. Each round was four days. After my chemotherapy ended, I did six weeks of radiation.
October 13, 2014 was my last day of radiation and the following night I went back to work. Currently, I am still recovering physically, mentally and emotionally.
I thank God and my family for all the support they gave me during one of the two toughest phases in my life. I have a marvelous daughter who was with me at every doctor’s appointment. I thank my daughter for all the help she has given me.

Noemi Diaz
Santa Ana, CA

Day will never forget!

Had my usual mammogram the end of Oct. 2013, had a call back about the left breast. Ultrasound showed dilated duct and they were nothing to worry about. Saw my GYN in Nov. and all was well. Had a knot in right breast which he felt was okay since mammogram was okay. We would just watch for now. The end of November the knot was there and a little larger. Called back and they reassured me all was well. I insisted on a one with the doctor. Saw him the first on December and did another exam. He said another mammogram would not help, I needed to see a surgeon. Saw him that afternoon, had an ultrasound and a biopsy. Two days later, got the diagnosis of Lobular Breast Cancer. Had an MRI of both breast 2 days later. Tumor 4.5cm with one node. Had to fight the insurance company to get a Pet scan. Pet scan done end of December. Had a bilateral mastectomy January 6, 2014. Tumor 4.7 with removal of 13 lymph nodes with 3 positive nodes and ER positive. Had a port inserted in February and chemo began. Four cycles of Adriamycin and Cytoxan, followed by weekly Taxol for 9 weeks. Had to stop Taxol early due toxicity with neuropathy in my finger tips and toes and ball of my feet. Began on Femara This was followed by 28 radiation treatment. All this was completed by September. Then when all was said and done had surgery for achalasia the end of September. Had been off work since January and when able to return to work found out I no longer had a job. But the best part I am here to say, do your monthly breast exam and insisted on care if you feel something that is just not right.

Birmingham, AL

multiple Myeloma

Hello my name is Nikki Sykes I was diagnosis with Multiple Myeloma in April of this year.I really didn't understand what was going on but I new I had Cancer so I was told not to go back to work, I really was sad Cuz I like to work plus been working every since I was 16,I've went thought chemo and transplant now I'm getting well I'm 65 days after my transplant I'm feeling OK just take a lot of meds.I'm link up with /

Nashville, TN