Zackery's Story - The Beauty Of Life

Zackery was born in 2001, it was a hard pregnancy and on the day of his birth a problem occurred and his heart rate dropped with every counteraction that I had so the doctor had to work fast to get him out. When he was finally here there was nothing wrong with him and he was perfect in every way.
He grow like any normal child and we didn't think anything was wrong until his school did a IEP on him and come to find out he my have Autism. The school did more tests an indeed he did have Autism. I cryed thinking I had did something wrong for him to be this way but later realized I had done nothing wrong and god had made him this way for a reason and I was blessed to have my special boy in my life.
Zackery is the most outgoing, loving, caring, giving, selfless and happiest child anyone could ever have the privilege to meet. He see's things differently then we do, things in this world are beautiful throw his eyes. He has showed me how to see things the way he dose and that is a great gift. He has touched everyone that has been blessed to meet him in some way or another and I'm grateful everyday that we have him in are life's.
Zackery has shown me that Autism is not a disease or something that is wrong with someone but a gift to see the world as it truly is. I was given a gift when I was given Zackery and I'm grateful every day for that and I know Zackery will keep touching people's lives the way he dose and that will make the world a better place because of him.

Middletown, OH