Xavier's journey

My name is Evette. Oct 3rd 2010 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Xavier. About months of age I started attempting baby food. He could not handle it. He cried and fought me. Around 9 months he started forgetting the things he has learned like waving and saying mama. Then around 18 months he still could only tolerate small bites of baby food and was not speaking. He was also throwing fits and hitting his head on the floor. I finally stopped listening to his Dr and we went for a second opinion. His new Dr suggested he was delayed and needed speech therapy. So we began in home speech. But his therapist as she worked with him looked concerned alot. One day she ask me. Have you ever heard of autism. I had not. I my home work that night. No eye contact. Severe sensory problems. Tantrums. And regressing on things he use to know. Yes indeed, my baby is autistic. We started more therapy. It was a battle of crying the whole session. Throwing things. Never listening. But we pushed him more and more. Now he goes to an autism clinic 3 days a week for speech, occupational, and physical. We also have 2 days in home ABA. My Xavier. Is a new child. He is starting to talk. Very interested in touching new foods. After modification we have all therapist he loves. Some of the original ones did not mesh with him. I searched until we had the best. I see wonderful things for my son in the future. If autism enters your life. Don't run away. Fight and fight hard. You will cry and want to give up at times. But I promise if you push your child you will see results. My son is a very happy child now. We still have our rough days and a long way to go. But acceptance, tough love, and alot of prayer and our son a whole new little boy in only a little over a year. Hope this helped someone. Love the wrinkle famile

evette wrinkle
springfield, MO