Who taught who?

When We look back on our son's 21 years, I sometimes wonder who learned more? As we tried to teach him all we can about the world, I think he has taught us more than we knew about this world. Keith is an amazing person with a beautiful heart that loves to make people laugh. High functioning,his dream is to touch people through movies. He wishes to be the next Steven Spielbourg. We continue to try to keep his dream alive while bringing reality to it also. This makes us realize how difficult life really is for these children/people. As children there are all kinds of options within a school, but as adults it is a different story.
As a parent part of our job is to help the child prepair for the world, an adult with autism has more challenges ahead because the help available is limited and financially out of reach for most. So what now? We continue to try to see things through his eyes and think positive. Keith has a way of making us look at things in a different way and for that we are eternally greatful for being blessed enough to have him in our lives. He is the most amazing person we know and we are honored to be his parents!
At times I just hear him saying "it's ok, mom", with that smile and it makes everything brighter! We are truly blessed!

Nydia Caraman
Brandon, FL