What a Miracle

God does things for reasons; I am a firm believer in that! Jesse is now 16 years old, he had a very traumatic birth and first three years of his life. When he was born the doctor looked at me and said, "He is going to have problems, but I can't tell you what it is going to be". Being a brand new mom I was both overjoyed and overwhelmed at the news, as any new mom would be, but little did I know what was to come.

My son did not speak, he didn't play with little cars (or other toys little boys did), and he didn't even smile until he was 6 months old. For the longest time I thought that he was deaf. He met all of the physical milestones with ease, but not so much with social skills and speech, I knew something wasn't right. It was as this time I went to the local library and started doing research.

I took the research to our family doctor who said, "He'll be fine, he just had a rough start". I took the information to the school district, "we think you are wrong and that he has ADD and you need to put him on medication". For what seemed like forever I knew what was wrong with my son, but I couldn't get anyone to listen.

He went through grade school and junior high without much support, no therapies or resources. 2010 someone finally listened and we received a formal diagnosis, Asperger's.

He is now in high school and receiving wonderful services! He is thriving and in everything possible, he even received his driver's permit last fall, was also the Freshman Homecoming Attendant, is performing in the school musical, in chorus and much more.... he is amazing!

Bismarck, IL