Tyler's Journey

I was blessed with Tyler in 1997. Tyler was diagnosed as being severely autistic when he was almost six years old. My heart broke. I didn't know what Autism was or what to do for him. The school did not know what they could do for him. He was the first Autistic child to go through the school district where we live. But, I was bound and determined to give Tyler every chance and opportunity that every other child is given.

Because of Tyler, Autism Awareness became a priority with the school district. Teachers and faculty had to reeducate themselves. Tyler was in essence their guinea pig for different programs at school, while I was trying my hardest at home.

Tyler started breaking out of his "Autism shell" around age nine. He started speaking, potty trained himself and began to control his ticks. That was the year he was retested and went from severe to mild.

Today, Tyler is a Freshman in high school. He is completely mainstreamed in regular classes in public school. He has a large group of friends. In fact, I haven't ever heard of anyone not liking Tyler. He is such a joy to have as a son.

People often asked me if I wished Tyler was "normal". I look at them and say that he is normal. That I wouldn't want to change him in anyway. Tyler has Autism. But, Autism does not have Tyler.

Cheri Simmons
Nebraska City, NE