Truly Blessed to have Brandon in our lives!

Our son, Brandon, was diagnosed with autism (aspergers) at age 4. We started noticing something was wrong at around age 2. He hardly spoke, didn't like affection, had bad tantrums, hated crowds & loud noises. He couldn't handle change. It was agonizing as a mother not to be able to comfort your child, then feeling guilty for all the times you got angry and frustrated, when not knowing he had no control over his actions. It was a very stressful time in our lives.

Brandon is 8 now and is doing incredible!!! He is very outgoing and extremely smart!! He loves to be the center of attention now!

His current obsession is rocks & minerals. He knows every birthstone, the state rock & even the state minerals! He even entered the school science fair. He took pictures of his whole rocks & minerals collection and wrote about each one. He got 1ST PLACE!!!! He was sooooooo excited! He wants to be a geologist when he grows up!

Brandon is the most gentle soul and he has the biggest heart! He cares about everything and everyone. We were at a pizza place eating once and there was only one person working there at the time. I noticed Brandon looked sad, so I asked him what was wrong. He said "I'm worried about that man because he is working all by himself," I thought that was the sweetest thing.

He reminds me that we have to stop, look and care with all our hearts. Show we care at all times! I finally see the light and I know his future is bright and he will do great things! He will make a difference in this world and will teach everyone he meets to do the same! We are very proud of him!

Round Rock, TX