The Story of Heavan and Our Families Struggle With Autism

Heavan was born 4 weeks premature with a heart condition. She was in NICU for 4 days and on heart medication for the first 11 months. Around the time she came off the medication, her personality had begun to change. She would scream for no reason, wouldn't make eye contact, and was only content being held tightly in a dark, quiet room.
We were told that she was probably just having withdrawals from her medication and to wait. Months of dealing with the constant screaming, crying, and aggressive behavior were wearing us out, and now the doctors said they didn't have an answer. I would cry for hours, wondering why I couldn't help her.
After two years of just "dealing" with her behavior, her pre-k teacher suggested we get her evaluated. She hadn't said a word at school in 4 months. After being evaluated we were told she was dealing with Sensory Integration Disorder and mild Autism. The diagnosis was devastating. We just had our third baby and having 3 children under 5 was stressful enough. But we eventually find a light through the darkness.
We moved to Texas when Heavan was 4 and found a wonderful therapy center. It took another year and several mis-diagnoses before we learned Heavan was indeed Autistic. We also learned our youngest had Sensory Integration Disorder. We were taught how to brush her, do joint compression, and triggers to avoid. Heavan is now a happy, healthy 7 1/2 year old. She's in the gifted program at school with an IQ of 138. She has a best friend and she's learning what her triggers are and coping skills. Don't get me wrong, we still have meltdowns, screaming, and days that nothing goes right.
Heavan has Autism... but Autism no longer has Heavan, or our family.

Rebekka Reilly
Texarkana, TX