The Quiet Companion Who Changed Everything

A neighbor came to me, telling me that my then thirteen-year- old, had been getting chased home every day from the school bus. When I asked Christopher, he confirmed that these two older boys had been doing this since the beginning of the school year. Son, why did'nt you tell me?

When Christopher was fourteen, a fellow student had been caught at school with a hunting knife.When caught, the student stated his intent to stab my son. They took the knife and sent the boy home on the school bus, the same bus my son took home. Three weeks later I was asking, How could no one tell me or the police?

At fifteen, I found out after the fact, that on two separate occaisions, fellow students had set my sons hair on fire using lighters. I asked the school and my son why they didn't tell me or the police?

At seventeen, I took my son to be tested. The result was non-verbal.

For all that there was that we did not understand...thank God for telling us because the "Quiet Companion" can now be given my love, and we can speak to one another, every day, where we can both better understand.

Christophers' Dad
Ashaway, RI